EAD#1 at Cottbus | Round Table #4

European Architecture Dialogue 1
Eight universities debate actual working fields across greater Europe in the context of the new master’s programme Architektur.Studium.Generale

Conference of the BTU Cottbus
Faculty of architecture, civil engineering & urban planning
MA Architektur.Studium.Generale
together with all Partners of the new study programme:
Tallinna Tehnikakõrgkool, University of applied Sciences Tallinn
UAL Universidade Autònoma de Lisboa, Dep. de Arquitectura
Politechnika Wroclawska, Wrocław, Faculty of Architecture
Universität Innsbruck, Fakultät für Architektur
Universidad de Sevilla, Escuela Técnica superior de Arquitectura
Tel Aviv University, David Azrieli School of Architecture
Graduate School of the Arts and the Sciences, UdK Berlin


An interdisciplinary kick off conference initiates a laboratory for architecture topics in greater Europe. The new architecture education model serves as an experimental field for the 8 partner universities: the international network Reiseuni_Lab, teachers of A.S.G., is represented by architects, town planners, artists, historians or political actors from Universities in Germany, Estonia, Israel, Portugal, Spain, Austria and Poland. The objective of the programme is to renew generalist architectural education in the context of European culture and to refocus on the role of the university as a place for visionary thinking and social responsibility.
Ten lectures will open the research fields and the discourse of the network: the didactical exchange of teaching concepts, presentation of workshop topics of A.S.G. and the practical exchange within the disciplines. Topics to discuss are the analysis, transformation and reorganization of the European city in 21. century and the special and heterogenious ideas, approaches, cultural contextes, design methods and tasks to develop the cities or regions.
The dialogue reflects current and urban questions, concerning design positions and measures to increase density, transform urban and building function and urban quarters, to be developed with respect to ecological sustainability. Multi-dimensional planning processes and participatory communication strategies are integral parts of the democratic european planning culture. The cities and regions involved have a rich, grown substance and heterogeneous architecture and town planning experience. On which ways the city in 21. century might be transformed, re-organized, consolidated or developed democratically, should be discussed in the conference. 

EAD | ASG European Architecture Dialogue 1  24.11.-26.11.2010 Conference at IKMZ-Cottbus [photo: jp3]
Conference at IKMZ-Cottbus [photo: jp3]

EAD | ASG European Architecture Dialogue 1  24.11.-26.11.2010
fin... [photo: jp3]
