Lisbon [C3,C2,C1]
>>>Reiseuni Report | Making of [Vol:III Workshop Cluster • Lisbon]
(Workshops in chronological order)
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Ricardo Carvalho, PhD Arch, Founding partner
Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Arquitectos Lisbon.
Visiting Professor:
Flavio Barbini, Arch, Founding partner Barbini Arquitectos Arquitectos Lisbon. Assistant Professor:
Raquel Vicente, MA Arch architect at Pedro Pacheco Arquitectos Lisbon. Guest Critic:
Tomás Forjaz MA Arch architect at José Adrião Arquitectos Lisbon.
João Belo Rodeia, Arch, Da/ UAL Professor, curator and critic.
Inês Lobo, Arch, Da/ UAL Professor, Founding partner Inês Lobo Arquitectos.
The workshop focuses on open research questions like historical urban fabric, heritage transformation, tourism developments or new perspectives for industrial areas out of function, modular settlements in state of repair, devastated landscapes and lost spaces. Moving into the future, all European metropolitan areas must rethink neglected districts in the contexts of architectural history and social dynamics.
Presentation and distribution of tasks.
Elaboration of an Atlas of the City and the election of the place for the temporary museum within the urban fabric.
A space proposal for a temporary museum.
Scale 1:200
Scale 1:50
Scales 1.1000, 1:200 e 1: 50.
A Lisbon Walk. and the beggining of the Atlas preparation. Lecture on Lisbon by João Belo Rodeia.
Case Studies presentation in digital lecture. Presentation of the first images of the Atlas.
Presentation of PLACE A0 poster.
Studio work
Studio work
Lecture by Inês Lobo.
16-09-2016 Studio work
Presentation of PLACE and PROGRAM A0 posters.
21-09-2016 Studio work
23-09-2016 Studio work
Presentation of PLACE, PROGRAM and MATERIAL A0 posters.
28-09-2016 Studio work
Presentation of the ATLAS in digital lecture
Presentation of PLACE, PROGRAM, MATERIAL posters, book and model.
Final Presentation with guest jury.
Case Studies: Built Work and Books
The Mnemosyne Atlas, 1924-1929. Aby Warburg. Barragan House, México. 1947. Luis Barragan.
St Peter Church and Park, Klippan, Sweden, 1963–1966. Sigurd Lewerentz. Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany, 1964. Manfred Lehmbruck. Tanikawa House, Kita Saku, Japan, 1972-1974. Kazuo Shinohara. Guernica Gallery, Madrid, Spain, 1992 (unbuilt). Álvaro Siza.
Schaulager, Laurenz Foundation, Basel, 1998-2003. Herzog & de Meuron.
Lighthouse Museum, Cascais, Portugal, 2008. Aires Mateus.
Temporary Museum Berlin, Germany, 2008-2010. Several artists and curators.
Temporary Museum/ Trail House, Heemskerk, The Netherlands, 2009. Anne Holtrop.
Lisbon Ground, The Portuguese Representation at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, 2012. Ines Lobo (curator and editor).
Floating Images. Eduardo Souto de Moura Wall Atlas, 2012. André Tavares, Pedro Bandeira (editors).
Kairos Pavilion, LX Factory, Lisboa, Portugal, 2013. João Quintela + Tim Simon. The Images of the Architects, 2013. Valerio Olgiati (editor).
Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space (La Poétique de l'Espace), Beacon Press, 1992 [1957]. ISBN: 978-0807064733
Bates, Stephen; Serginson, Jonathan, Papers 2, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2007. ISBN: 978-0954237110. Olgiati, Valerio (Ed.), Images of Architects, The Name Books, 2015. ISBN: 978-3906313009.
Pallasmaa, Juhani, The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses, Academy Press, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0470015780.
Rossi, Aldo, A Scientific Autobiography, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1984. ISBN: 978-0-262-68041-7.
Lobo, Inês (Ed.) Lisbon Ground, Representação Portuguesa na 13a Bienal de Veneza 2012, DGA Portugal ISBN: 978-989-8518-01-9.
MacKeith, Peter (ed.), Archipelago: Essays on Architecture, Rakennustieto Publishing 2008. ISBN: 978-9516828063.
Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Genius Loci. Paesaggio Ambiente Architettura (Genius Loci, Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture) Milano, Electa, 1989 [1979]. ISBN 978-8843542635.
Sola-Morales, Ignasi De, Diferencias - Topografia de la Arquitectura Contemporanea, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1995. ISBN: 9788425219122.
Tavares, André; Bandeira, Pedro (Ed.), Floating Images. Eduardo Souto de Moura Wall Atlas, Lars Muller 2012. ISBN 9783037783016.
Walker, Enrique, Lo Ordinario, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2010. ISBN: 9788425223303 Zumthor, Peter, Atmospheres, Birkhauser 2006. ISBN: 978-3-7643-7495.
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at DA/ UAL 2011/ 2013
THE PUBLIC REALM Module #7 October/ December 2012
Course structure
01 Theory
02 Travel
03 Practice
Coordinators and Professors:
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Assistant Professors
Rita Aguiar Rodrigues, Architect
Pedro Melo, Architect
Number of weeks: 6
Number of Contact Hours; 150h.
Monday 29th October 2012 Session 01
09.00h. Presentation by Flavio Barbini and Ricardo Carvalho
11.00h. Conference by professor Flavio Barbini. “The Square: Contemporary Interventions in Heritage Places”
12.00h. Flavio Barbini talks with students
15.00h. Conference by professor Joaquim Moreno. “Ideology and Public Space”
16.00h. Joaquim Morenos talks with students
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 30th October 2012 Session 02.
10.00h. Conference by professor Inês Lobo. “The knowledge Hill in Lisbon and the Public Realm”
11.00h. Inês Lobo talks with students
12.00h. Students presentation
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Wednesday 31st October 2012 Session 03
10.00h. Conference by professor José Adrião. “Public Places”
11.00h. José Adrião talks with students. 12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Monday 05th November 2012 Session 04
10.00h. Conference by professor João Gomes da Silva. “The Thickness of Time”.
11.00h. João Gomes da Silva talks with students. 12.00h. Students presentation.
15.00h. Conference by professor Ricardo Carvalho. “Open and Close. The Public Realm” 16.00h. Ricardo Carvalho talks with students
17.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 06 th November 2012 Session 05.
10.00h. Conference by professor Pedro Campos Costa. “Two Lines”
11.00h. Pedro Campos Costa talks with students
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Wednesday 07th November 2012 Session 06
10.00h. Conference by professor Ricardo Bak Gordon. “Public Projects”
11.00h. Ricardo Bak Gordon talks with students.
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Monday 12th November 2012 Session 07.
10.00h. Conference by professor Gonçalo Byrne. “Public Projects”.
11.00h. Gonçalo Byrne talks with students.
12.00h. Students presentation.
15.00h. Conference by Filipa Valladares. “Landscape and Transformation”
16.00h. Conference by Paulo Catrica.“Subtopia, photography, architecture and the New Towns program”.
17.00h. Filipa Valladares and Paulo Catrica talk with students.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 13 th November 2012 Session 08.
10.00h. Conference by professor Rita Aguiar Rodrigues. “Critical Spatial Pratices”
11.00h. Rita Aguiar Rodrigues talks with students
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Wednesday 14th November 2012 Session 09.
10.00h. Conference by professor Manuel Graça Dias. “The City after the Traffic”
11.00h. Manuel Graça Dias talks with students.
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Monday 3rd December 2012 Session 10 (see PRACTICE chapter)
10.00h. Conference by Duarte Santo. “Open Source: public space is a process”
11.00h. Duarte Santo talks with students.
Thursday and Friday 08 and 09th November 2012. 08.00h. Sessions 11 and 12.
Study trip Architecture in the north of Portugal
Day 1: Mosteiro de Alcobaça. Aveiro University Campus. Avenida dos Aliados, Porto.
Day 2: Estádio do Braga, Braga. Guimarães Historical Core.
Project for Santa Apolónia area in Lisbon. Connections, Public Space, Program and Atmosphere.
This part of the workshop will be developed in Lisbon waterfront, in a specific area near- S. Apolonia Train Station - located in a narrow platform between the city hills and the river Tagus. In the late nineteenth century this artificial platform was built, defining a barrier between the historical city and the river which is still present. Some facilities have been occupying part of the platform: a military museum and storages to support the activities of the port.
Among these different functions, ananonimous public space and a avenue intensified the poor quality of public space in this part of the city near the river.
The aim of the workshop is to contribute critically to a renewal in diferent scales the public space, considering public life and tourism as one of its driving forces. Inspired by all the conferences of the first module of the worshop, the students will develop the project with theoritical background and capacity of critical discussion, opening new perspectives of analysis of the connective space that celebrates and energizes the public urban life, between the historical and topographical city and the narrow flat coast line.
>>>Location on
From Monday 19th November to the 7th December 2012 09.30h – 12.30h .
Monday 19th November 2012 Session 13.
Tuesday 20th November 2012 Session 14.
Thursday 22nd November 2012 Session 15.
Friday 23nd November 2012 Session 16.
Monday 26th November 2012 Session 17.
Tuesday 27th November 2012 Session 18.
Thursday 29th November 2012 Session 19.
Friday 30th November 2012 Session 20.
Monday 3rd December 2012 Session 21.
Tuesday 04th December 2012 Session 22.
Thursday 06th December 2012 Session 23.
Friday 07th December 2012 .
Final Presentation
Flavio Barbini (DA UAL)
Chris Burns (Abcarius+Burns Architekten)
Eduardo Campelo (CML)
Ricardo Carvalho (DA UAL)
Dagmar Jäger (ASG Reiseuni)
Pedro Melo (DA UAL)
Jose Pavon Jose de la Peña
Rita Aguiar Rodrigues (DA UAL)
Manuel Salgado (CML)
AAVV. Squares of Europe, Places for Europe. IUAV Venezia, Jagiellonian University Press, 2007
Ábalos, Inaki; Herreros, Juan. “A New Naturalism (7 Micromanifestos)” in 2G no22 Barcelona 2003. ISSN: 1136-9647
Adams, Robert, Baltz, Lewis, and Deal, Joe, New topographics : photographs, Bristol: Arnolfini, 1981
Ascher, François. 1995. Metapolis ou l' lavenir des villes. Paris: Odile Jacob
Boeri,Stefano; Koolhaas, Rem, et. al, Mutations, Barcelona: Actar, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-8495273512
Bacon, Edmund, Design of Cities, London: Penguin Books 1976. ISBN: 978-0140042368.
Banerjee, Tridib; Southworth, Michael (eds.). City sense and city design: writings and projects of Kevin Lynch. Cambridge (Mass.): The MIT press, 1995
Bates, Stephen; Serginson, Jonathan, Papers 2, Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-0954237110
Canniffe, Eamonn, Urban Ethic: Design in the Contemporary City, Routledge 2006. ISBN: 978-0415348652.
Caruso, Adam, The Feeling of Things, Poligrafa 2009. ISBN: 978-8434311862.
Delgado, Manuel, El Animal Publico: Hacia Una Antropologia de Los Espacios Urbanos, Madrid: Editorial Anagrama 1999. ISBN: 978-8433905802.
Elwall, Robert, Building with light: an international history of architectural photography, London: Merrell, 2004
Eyck, Aldo van, Aldo Van Eyck: Writings, Sun Publishers 2006. ISBN: 978-9085062622
Gehl, Jan. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space, Island Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-1597268271
Gierstberg, Frits, Suburban Options : photography commissions and the urbanization of the landscape, Rotterdam: Nederlands Foto Instituut, 1998
Hall, Peter. Cities in civilization (culture, innovation and urban order). London: Phoenix,1999
Hertzberger, Herman, Lessons for Students in Architecture, 010 Pub 2005. ISBN: 978-9064505621
Innerarity, Daniel. El nuevo espacio publico, Espassa. 2006. ISBN: 9788467020885
Le Goff, Jacques, History and memory, New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. ISBN: 978-0231075916
Lefebvre, Henri Writings on Cities, Wiley-Blackwell 1996 ISBN: 978-0631191889
Lynch, Kevin, The Image of the City. MIT Press, 1960. ISBN: 978-0262620017
Miles, Malcolm, Art, Space and the City, Routledge 1997. ISBN: 978-0415139434
Muñoz, Francesc. Urbanalización: Paisajes comunes, lugares globales. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona 2008. ISBN: 9788425218736
Pallasmaa, Juhani, The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses, Academy Press, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0470015780
Pessoa, Fernando, Lisbon. What the tourist should see, London: Shearsman Books, 2008. ISBN-10: 190570075
Rossi, Aldo, A Scientific Autobiography, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1984. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-68041-7
Sennett, Richard, The Conscience of the Eye: The Design and Social Life of Cities, W. W. Norton & Company 1992. ISBN 978-0393308785
Siza, Álvaro, Imaginar a evidência, Lisboa: Edições 70. ISBN: 972-44-1033-1 Soja, Edward W, Postmetropolis: critical studies of cities and regions. Malden, USA: Blackwell, 2000. ISBN: 978-1577180012
Sola-Morales, Ignasi De, Diferencias - Topografia de la Arquitectura Contemporanea, Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1995. ISBN: 9788425219122
Sola-Morales, Manuel, Las Formas de Crecimiento Urbano, Barcelona: UPC Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna 1997. ISBN: 978-8483011973
Tagg, John, The burden of representation : essays on photographies and histories, Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1988. ISBN: 978-0816624058
Whyte, William H. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Project for Public Spaces Inc, 2001. ISBN: 978-0970632418
Zumthor, Peter, Atmospheres, Birkhauser 2006. ISBN: 978-3-7643-7495
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Public Market in Lisbon’s City Centre
DA/ UAL 22nd February/ 30th March 2012

This project will be developed in Lisbon downtown and consists in a public program. The city’s topography and relation with the river Tagus influenced its foundation and they still affect many of the architectural operations in Lisbon today. Since the 1960s, the city centre is at the risk of becoming deserted and having solely one function while, simultaneously, there is growing pressure from tourism on this area. This project aims to contribute critically to a renewal of the city centre, considering public life and tourism as one of its driving forces.
The place chosen for the intervention is topographically framed by platforms. The amount of historical information is also important data for working the place’s inherent complexity. The place is closely and loosely linked with other significant spots in urban morphology. Its com- plexity lies in realizing the different scales from the several points of view. Our approach to the program aims to be exploratory and critical.
01 Place
02 Program
03 Place/ Program
04 Material
05 Place/ Program/Material
Studio Coordinators and Professors:
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Assistant Professors
Inês Vieira da Silva,
Architect Miguel Vieira, Architect
Aires Mateus, Architect
Carrilho da Graça, Architect
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Inês Vieira da Silva, Architect
Nuno Mateus, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Guest Crtitics
João Santa-Rita
Pedro Reis
Number of weeks: 6
Number of Contact Hours; 150h.
Wednesday 22nd February 2012 Session 01
09:00h – 17.00h: 8.00 hours
Introduction and students and professors presentation.
Visit to the place where the intervention will take place. The cartography, history and conditioning plan views will be analysed. Study models will be planned. The case studies list will be presented.
Conference by Inês Pais “Lisbon “. Debate.
Conference by Filipa Ramalhete “Lisbon “. Debate.
Thursday 23rd February 2012 Session 02
09:00h – 14.00h; 5.00 hours
Free Studio Work
Friday 24th February 2012 Session 03.
09:00h – 17.00h 8.00 hours
Conference by Flavio Barbini (Barbini Architects) “Projects”. Flavio Barbini talks with students.
Conference by Ricardo Carvalho (Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Architects) “All Places”. Ricardo Carvalho talks with students.
Studio work. Follow-up and conclusion of analysis regarding the Case Studies on the proposed theme. Presentation by the students.
Monday 27th February 2012 Session 04
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Conference by SAMI (Inês Vieira da Silva and Miguel Vieira). “Projects”. Inês Vieira da Silva and Miguel Vieira talk with students.
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding the project site and ideias on place. Presentation by the students. Conclu- sions.
Tuesday 28th and 29th Wednsday February 2012 Sessions 05 , 06: 20.00 hours
Study trip Architecture in the south of Portugal:
Day 1: Escola Superior de Educação, a higher education institution in Setúbal (architect Álvaro Siza), Escola Sebastião da Gama, a secondary school in Setúbal (architects Ricardo Carvalho and Joana Vilhena), House in Azeitão (architects Aires Mateus), Santuary in Cabo Espichel. Sleeping in Evora.
Day 2: Malagueira Plan in Évora (architect Álvaro Siza), Faculty of Architecture at Évora University (architect Inês Lobo), Espírito Santo Convent in Évora, Turism School in Portalegre (architect Souto de Moura), Santo António Church in Portalegre (architect Carrilho da Graça) and Nabeiro Winery in Campo Maior (architect Álvaro Siza).
Thursday 1st March 2012 Session 07
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio Work.
52 Hours
Monday 05th March 2012 Session 08
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Masterclass by Manuel Aires Mateus “Recent work”. Manuel Aires Mateus talks with students.
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding program concepts. Presentation by the students.
Tuesday 06th March 2012 Session 09
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding program concepts. Presentation by the students.
Wednesday 07th March 2012 Session 10
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students.
Thursday 8th March 2012 Session 11
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio Work.
74 Hours
Monday 12h March 2012 Session 12
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Masterclass by Nuno Mateus/ ARX Portugal Architects “Recent work”. Nuno Mateus talks with students.
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Work follow-up.
Tuesday 13th March 2012 Session 13
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students.
Wednesday 14th March 2012 Session 14
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Conclusions.
Thursday 15h March 2012 Session 15
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio Work.
95 Hours
Monday 19th March 2012 Session 16
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Masterclass by João Luís Carrilho da Graça “Recent work”. Carrilho da Graça talks with students.
Studio work.
Tuesday 20th March 2012 Session 17
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students.
Wednesday 21st March 2012 Session 18
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students. Invited critics: professor Pedro Reis. Conclusions.
Thursday 22nd March 2012 Session 19
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio Work.
116 Hours
Place/ Program/Material
Monday 26h March 2012 Session 20
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Invited critic: professor João Santa-Rita.
Tuesday 27th March 2012 Session 21
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding material and construction concepts.
Wednesday 28th March 2012 Session 22
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding material and construction concepts
Thursday 29th March 2012 Session 23
09:00h – 18.00h: 9.00 hours
Studio Work.
140 Hours
Final Presentation
Friday 30th March 2012.
Project presentation before a jury (2 sessions in 1 day)
Studio work. The work will be presented in A1 format (vertical) in order to create a portfolio called “Process”. In the final presentation the portfolio will presented before the jury, as welll as a A3 version (horizontal) and a digital presentation.
Students will present a paper (10 000 ca) with the theme “The Meaning of Public in Architecture”
Stéphane Hanrot (ENA M)
Jennifer Rockstroh (BTU Cottbus)
Flavio Barbini (DA UAL) Inês Vieira da Silva (DA UAL)
Miguel Vieira ( DA UAL)
Ricardo Carvalho (DA UAL)
IBIRAPUERA PARK MARQUISE, S. Paulo, Brasil, 1951-1954. Oscar Niemeyer.
UGALDE HOUSE, Spain, 1951-1952. José António Coderch. SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA MARKET, Portugal,1956-1960. Fernando Távora.
NORDIC COUNTRIES PAVILION, Venice Bienale, Italy, 1958-1962. Sverre Fehn.
AMSTERDAM ORPHANAGE, The Netherlands,1960. Aldo van Eyck.
FLOWER KIOSK, Malmo, Sweden, 1969. Sigurd Lewerentz. BAGSVARD CHURCH Denmark, 1973-1976. Jorn Utzon. CENTRE POMPIDOU, Paris, France, 1977. Renzo Piano e Richard Rogers. SESC POMPEIA CIVIC CENTER, S. Paulo, Brasil, 1982. Lina Bo Bardi. BRAGA MARKET, Braga, Portugal, 1980-1984. Eduardo Souto de Moura. EDUCATION SCHOOL, Setúbal, Portugal, 1986-1992. Álvaro Siza. MUBE. SCULPTURE MUSEUM, S. Paulo, Brazil, 1986-1995. Paulo Mendes da Rocha.
CAUMASEE LAKE PAVILION, Flims, Switzerland, 1996-2002. Valerio Olgiati.
HOMENAGEM TOWER, Huéscar, Granada, Spain, 1998-2006. António Jiménez Torrecillas.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Lisbon, 1998-2008. João Luís Carrilho da Graça. AZEITÃO HOUSE, Portugal, 2000-2003. Aires Mateus. I CHING GALLERY DIA BEACON, New York, USA, 2003. Peter Zumthor. TARA HOUSE, Kashid, Maharashtra, India, 2005. Studio Mumbai. TAMA UNIVERSITY ART LIBRARY, Tokyo, Japan, 2007. Toyo Ito. 1111 LINCOLN ROAD, Miami, USA, 2010. Herzog & de Meuron. ROLEX LEARNING CENTER EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, 2004-2010. SANAA.
Ábalos, Inaki; Herreros, Juan. “A New Naturalism (7 Micromanifestos)”. 2G no 22 Barcelona 2002. ISSN: 1136-9647
Agamben, Giorgio “Metropolis” Barragan, Luis; “Acceptance Speech” 1980.
Corboz, Andre “Le Territoire comme Palimpseste”
Pallasmaa, Juhani. "The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses” Academy Press, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0470015780
Rossi, Aldo. “A Scientific Autobiography”, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.1984. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-68041-7
Bates, Stephen; Serginson, Jonathan. “Papers 2”. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2007. ISBN-13: 978-0954237110
Pessoa, Fernando. “Lisbon. What the tourist should see”, Shearsman Books, London 2008. ISBN-10: 190570075
Fugimoto, Sou, “Primitive Future”, Inax, Tokyo, 2008. ISBN-978-4872751482
Sennett, Richard “The Public Realm” emplates/General2.aspx?pageid=16
Siza, Álvaro. “Imaginar a evidência”, Edições 70, Lisboa. ISBN: 972-44-1033-1
Sola-Morales, Ignasi De. “Diferencias - Topografia de la Arquitectura Contemporanea”. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1995. ISBN: 9788425219122
Zumthor, Peter. “Thinking Architecture”, Birkhauser 2010. ISBN: 978-3-0346-0585-4
Zumthor, Peter. “Atmospheres”, Birkhauser 2006. ISBN: 978-3-7643-7495
Student accommodation
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Departamente de Arquitectura
Flavio Barbini, Professor Arquitecto, Director do Departamento,
Ricardo Carvalho, Professor Arquitecto, Secretário Académico do Departamento
International Masters Programme 2010/ 2012
Module III
DA/ UAL February/ March 2011
>>>Location on Google-Maps
Hotel-Escola in Lisbon’s city centre
This project will be developed in the historical part of Lisbon. The city’s topography and relation with the river Tagus influenced its foundation and they still affect many of the architectural operations in Lisbon today. Since the 1960s, the city centre is at the risk of becoming deserted and having solely one function while, simultaneously, there is growing pressure from tourism on this area. This project aims to contribute critically to a renewal of the city centre, considering tourism as one of its driving forces.
The place chosen for the intervention is topographically framed by platforms. The amount of historical information is also important data for working the place’s inherent complexity. The place is closely and loosely linked with other significant spots in urban morphology. Its complexity lies in realizing the different scales from the several points of view. Our approach to the program aims to be exploratory and critical.
Course structure
01 Place
02 Program
03 Place/ Program
04 Subject matter
05 Place/ Program/Subject matter
Coordinators and Professors:
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Assistant Professors
Inês Vieira da Silva, Architect
Miguel Vieira, Architect
Number of weeks: 6
Number of Contact Hours; 150h.
Monday 28 February 2011 08:00,. Session 01
Introduction. Visit to the place where the intervention will take place. The place will be photographed. The cartography, history and conditioning plan views will be analysed. Study models will be planned. Case studies will be selected.
14.00h. Conference by professor José Monterroso Teixeira. “Lisboa. Do Ilumismo à Modernidade” (Lisbon from the Enlightment up to Modern times). * in English.
15.00h. Conference by professor José Manuel Fernandes. “Lisboa. A Arquitectura da Cidade” (Lisbon, the City’s Architecture) * in English.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 01 March 2011 08.00h Session 02
Follow-up of analysis regarding the Case Studies on the proposed theme
14.00h. Conference by Ricardo Carvalho (Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Architects) “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
15.00h. Conference by architects Flavio Barbini and Maria João Barbini (Barbini Architects) “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
16.00h. Conference by architects SAMI (Inês Vieira da Silva and Miguel Viera). “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Wednesday 02 March 2011 08.00h. Session 03
Follow-up of analysis regarding the Case Studies on the proposed theme
14.00h. Masterclass by architect João Luís Carrilho da Graça “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Follow-up and work presentation. Conclusions.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 03, 04 and 05 March 2011. 08.00h. Sessions 04, 05 and 06.
Study trip Architecture in the south of Portugal
Three-day trip around the south of Portugal
Day 1: Escola Superior de Educação, a higher education institution in Setúbal (architect Álvaro Siza), Escola Sebastião da Gama, a secondary school in Setúbal (architects Ricardo Carvalho and Joana Vilhena), Santuário da Nossa Senhora do Cano, a church in Cabo Espichel, Quinta da Bacalhoa (a house), Centro Cultural de Sines, a cultural centre (architects Aires Mateus), Estação Arqueológica de Miróbriga (archaeological centre with an information centre - Centro Interpretativo - by architect Paula Santos),
Day 2: Estação Biológica do Garducho, a biological station in Mourão (architect Ventura Trindade), neighbourhood of Malagueira in Évora (architect Álvaro Siza), Faculty of Architecture at Évora University (architect Inês Lobo), Convento do Espírito Santo, a convent in Évora.
Day 3: Museu de Arte Contemporânea, a museum in Elvas (architect Pedro Reis), Pousada da Flor da Rosa, a hotel in Crato (architect Carrilho da Graça), Igreja de Santo António, a church in Portalegre (architect Carrilho da Graça) and Adega Nabeiro, a winery in Campo Maior (architect Álvaro Siza).
Thursday 10 March 2011 08.00h. Session 07
Analysis of possible programs. Work follow-up.
14.00h. Conference by professor Filipa Ramalhete. “The pressure to change historical centres 194/2000.” Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conference. * in English.
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Friday. 11 March 2011 08.00h. Session 08
Work follow-up.
Monday 14 March 2011 08.00h. Session 09
Work follow-up.
14.00h. Masterclass by architect Paulo David “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Tuesday 15 March 2011 08.00h. Session 10
Work follow-up.
Wednesday 16 March 2011 08.00h. Session 11
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Work follow-up.
Thursday 17 March 2011 08.00h. Session 12
Work follow-up.
14.00h. Invited critics: professors Inês Lobo and Pedro Reis
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Subject matter
Wednesday 23 March 2011 08.00h. Session 13
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Work follow-up.
14.00h. Masterclass by architect Manuel Aires Mateus “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Thursday 24 March 2011 08.00h Session 14.
Work follow-up.
Friday. 25 March 2011 08.00h Session 15.
Work follow-up.
14.00h. Invited critics: professors Nuno Mateus and Manuel Graça Dias
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Week 05
Place/ Program/Subject matter
Monday 28 March 2011 08.00h Session 16.
Work follow-up.
Tuesday 29 March 2011 08.00h Session 17.
Work follow-up.
Wednesday 30 March 2011 08.00h Session 18.
Work follow-up.
Week 06
Conclusions. Preparation of Final Project
Thursday 31 March 2011 08.00h Session 19.
Work follow-up.
Friday. 01 April 2011 08.00h Session 20.
Work follow-up.
Monday and Tuesday 04 and 05 April 2011 09.00h Sessions 21 and 22.
Project presentation before a jury (4 sessions in 2 days)
Chris Burns (Abcarius & Burns Berlin and American University Beirut)
Dagmar Jäger (jp3_Architects, Berlin & BTU Cottbus)
Flavio Barbini (DA UAL)
Inês Vieira da Silva (DA UAL)
Miguel Vieira ( DA UAL)
Ricardo Carvalho (DA UAL)
Student accommodation
Parque Tecnológico da Mutela
Avenida Aliança do Povo, M.F.A, 2804-537 Almada Portugal
(Workshops in chronological order)
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Class-03: 2016-09-05 Workshop 9 at Lisbon [LIS]
TUT International Master’s Programme of European Architecture at:
Da/ UAL Departamento de Arquitectura Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa
A Lisbon Atlas – for a Temporary Museum
WSI/ 2nd Year 05th of September to 07th October 2016Professor:
Ricardo Carvalho, PhD Arch, Founding partner
Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Arquitectos Lisbon.
Visiting Professor:
Flavio Barbini, Arch, Founding partner Barbini Arquitectos Arquitectos Lisbon. Assistant Professor:
Raquel Vicente, MA Arch architect at Pedro Pacheco Arquitectos Lisbon. Guest Critic:
Tomás Forjaz MA Arch architect at José Adrião Arquitectos Lisbon.
João Belo Rodeia, Arch, Da/ UAL Professor, curator and critic.
Inês Lobo, Arch, Da/ UAL Professor, Founding partner Inês Lobo Arquitectos.
The workshop focuses on open research questions like historical urban fabric, heritage transformation, tourism developments or new perspectives for industrial areas out of function, modular settlements in state of repair, devastated landscapes and lost spaces. Moving into the future, all European metropolitan areas must rethink neglected districts in the contexts of architectural history and social dynamics.
Presentation and distribution of tasks.
Elaboration of an Atlas of the City and the election of the place for the temporary museum within the urban fabric.
A space proposal for a temporary museum.
Scale 1:200
Scale 1:50
Scales 1.1000, 1:200 e 1: 50.
A Lisbon Walk. and the beggining of the Atlas preparation. Lecture on Lisbon by João Belo Rodeia.
Case Studies presentation in digital lecture. Presentation of the first images of the Atlas.
Presentation of PLACE A0 poster.
Studio work
Studio work
Lecture by Inês Lobo.
16-09-2016 Studio work
Presentation of PLACE and PROGRAM A0 posters.
21-09-2016 Studio work
23-09-2016 Studio work
Presentation of PLACE, PROGRAM and MATERIAL A0 posters.
28-09-2016 Studio work
Presentation of the ATLAS in digital lecture
Presentation of PLACE, PROGRAM, MATERIAL posters, book and model.
Final Presentation with guest jury.
Case Studies: Built Work and Books
The Mnemosyne Atlas, 1924-1929. Aby Warburg. Barragan House, México. 1947. Luis Barragan.
St Peter Church and Park, Klippan, Sweden, 1963–1966. Sigurd Lewerentz. Lehmbruck Museum, Duisburg, Germany, 1964. Manfred Lehmbruck. Tanikawa House, Kita Saku, Japan, 1972-1974. Kazuo Shinohara. Guernica Gallery, Madrid, Spain, 1992 (unbuilt). Álvaro Siza.
Schaulager, Laurenz Foundation, Basel, 1998-2003. Herzog & de Meuron.
Lighthouse Museum, Cascais, Portugal, 2008. Aires Mateus.
Temporary Museum Berlin, Germany, 2008-2010. Several artists and curators.
Temporary Museum/ Trail House, Heemskerk, The Netherlands, 2009. Anne Holtrop.
Lisbon Ground, The Portuguese Representation at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale, 2012. Ines Lobo (curator and editor).
Floating Images. Eduardo Souto de Moura Wall Atlas, 2012. André Tavares, Pedro Bandeira (editors).
Kairos Pavilion, LX Factory, Lisboa, Portugal, 2013. João Quintela + Tim Simon. The Images of the Architects, 2013. Valerio Olgiati (editor).
Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space (La Poétique de l'Espace), Beacon Press, 1992 [1957]. ISBN: 978-0807064733
Bates, Stephen; Serginson, Jonathan, Papers 2, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2007. ISBN: 978-0954237110. Olgiati, Valerio (Ed.), Images of Architects, The Name Books, 2015. ISBN: 978-3906313009.
Pallasmaa, Juhani, The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses, Academy Press, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0470015780.
Rossi, Aldo, A Scientific Autobiography, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1984. ISBN: 978-0-262-68041-7.
Lobo, Inês (Ed.) Lisbon Ground, Representação Portuguesa na 13a Bienal de Veneza 2012, DGA Portugal ISBN: 978-989-8518-01-9.
MacKeith, Peter (ed.), Archipelago: Essays on Architecture, Rakennustieto Publishing 2008. ISBN: 978-9516828063.
Norberg-Schulz, Christian, Genius Loci. Paesaggio Ambiente Architettura (Genius Loci, Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture) Milano, Electa, 1989 [1979]. ISBN 978-8843542635.
Sola-Morales, Ignasi De, Diferencias - Topografia de la Arquitectura Contemporanea, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1995. ISBN: 9788425219122.
Tavares, André; Bandeira, Pedro (Ed.), Floating Images. Eduardo Souto de Moura Wall Atlas, Lars Muller 2012. ISBN 9783037783016.
Walker, Enrique, Lo Ordinario, Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2010. ISBN: 9788425223303 Zumthor, Peter, Atmospheres, Birkhauser 2006. ISBN: 978-3-7643-7495.
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Class-02: 2012-10-07 Workshop 7 Special at Lisbon [LIS]
International Masters Program ASGat DA/ UAL 2011/ 2013
THE PUBLIC REALM Module #7 October/ December 2012
Course structure
01 Theory
02 Travel
03 Practice
Coordinators and Professors:
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Assistant Professors
Rita Aguiar Rodrigues, Architect
Pedro Melo, Architect
Number of weeks: 6
Number of Contact Hours; 150h.
Monday 29th October 2012 Session 01
09.00h. Presentation by Flavio Barbini and Ricardo Carvalho
11.00h. Conference by professor Flavio Barbini. “The Square: Contemporary Interventions in Heritage Places”
12.00h. Flavio Barbini talks with students
15.00h. Conference by professor Joaquim Moreno. “Ideology and Public Space”
16.00h. Joaquim Morenos talks with students
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 30th October 2012 Session 02.
10.00h. Conference by professor Inês Lobo. “The knowledge Hill in Lisbon and the Public Realm”
11.00h. Inês Lobo talks with students
12.00h. Students presentation
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Wednesday 31st October 2012 Session 03
10.00h. Conference by professor José Adrião. “Public Places”
11.00h. José Adrião talks with students. 12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Monday 05th November 2012 Session 04
10.00h. Conference by professor João Gomes da Silva. “The Thickness of Time”.
11.00h. João Gomes da Silva talks with students. 12.00h. Students presentation.
15.00h. Conference by professor Ricardo Carvalho. “Open and Close. The Public Realm” 16.00h. Ricardo Carvalho talks with students
17.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 06 th November 2012 Session 05.
10.00h. Conference by professor Pedro Campos Costa. “Two Lines”
11.00h. Pedro Campos Costa talks with students
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Wednesday 07th November 2012 Session 06
10.00h. Conference by professor Ricardo Bak Gordon. “Public Projects”
11.00h. Ricardo Bak Gordon talks with students.
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Monday 12th November 2012 Session 07.
10.00h. Conference by professor Gonçalo Byrne. “Public Projects”.
11.00h. Gonçalo Byrne talks with students.
12.00h. Students presentation.
15.00h. Conference by Filipa Valladares. “Landscape and Transformation”
16.00h. Conference by Paulo Catrica.“Subtopia, photography, architecture and the New Towns program”.
17.00h. Filipa Valladares and Paulo Catrica talk with students.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 13 th November 2012 Session 08.
10.00h. Conference by professor Rita Aguiar Rodrigues. “Critical Spatial Pratices”
11.00h. Rita Aguiar Rodrigues talks with students
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Wednesday 14th November 2012 Session 09.
10.00h. Conference by professor Manuel Graça Dias. “The City after the Traffic”
11.00h. Manuel Graça Dias talks with students.
12.00h. Students presentation.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Monday 3rd December 2012 Session 10 (see PRACTICE chapter)
10.00h. Conference by Duarte Santo. “Open Source: public space is a process”
11.00h. Duarte Santo talks with students.
Thursday and Friday 08 and 09th November 2012. 08.00h. Sessions 11 and 12.
Study trip Architecture in the north of Portugal
Day 1: Mosteiro de Alcobaça. Aveiro University Campus. Avenida dos Aliados, Porto.
Day 2: Estádio do Braga, Braga. Guimarães Historical Core.
Project for Santa Apolónia area in Lisbon. Connections, Public Space, Program and Atmosphere.
This part of the workshop will be developed in Lisbon waterfront, in a specific area near- S. Apolonia Train Station - located in a narrow platform between the city hills and the river Tagus. In the late nineteenth century this artificial platform was built, defining a barrier between the historical city and the river which is still present. Some facilities have been occupying part of the platform: a military museum and storages to support the activities of the port.
Among these different functions, ananonimous public space and a avenue intensified the poor quality of public space in this part of the city near the river.
The aim of the workshop is to contribute critically to a renewal in diferent scales the public space, considering public life and tourism as one of its driving forces. Inspired by all the conferences of the first module of the worshop, the students will develop the project with theoritical background and capacity of critical discussion, opening new perspectives of analysis of the connective space that celebrates and energizes the public urban life, between the historical and topographical city and the narrow flat coast line.
>>>Location on
From Monday 19th November to the 7th December 2012 09.30h – 12.30h .
Monday 19th November 2012 Session 13.
Tuesday 20th November 2012 Session 14.
Thursday 22nd November 2012 Session 15.
Friday 23nd November 2012 Session 16.
Monday 26th November 2012 Session 17.
Tuesday 27th November 2012 Session 18.
Thursday 29th November 2012 Session 19.
Friday 30th November 2012 Session 20.
Monday 3rd December 2012 Session 21.
Tuesday 04th December 2012 Session 22.
Thursday 06th December 2012 Session 23.
Friday 07th December 2012 .
Final Presentation
Flavio Barbini (DA UAL)
Chris Burns (Abcarius+Burns Architekten)
Eduardo Campelo (CML)
Ricardo Carvalho (DA UAL)
Dagmar Jäger (ASG Reiseuni)
Pedro Melo (DA UAL)
Jose Pavon Jose de la Peña
Rita Aguiar Rodrigues (DA UAL)
Manuel Salgado (CML)
AAVV. Squares of Europe, Places for Europe. IUAV Venezia, Jagiellonian University Press, 2007
Ábalos, Inaki; Herreros, Juan. “A New Naturalism (7 Micromanifestos)” in 2G no22 Barcelona 2003. ISSN: 1136-9647
Adams, Robert, Baltz, Lewis, and Deal, Joe, New topographics : photographs, Bristol: Arnolfini, 1981
Ascher, François. 1995. Metapolis ou l' lavenir des villes. Paris: Odile Jacob
Boeri,Stefano; Koolhaas, Rem, et. al, Mutations, Barcelona: Actar, 2001. ISBN-13: 978-8495273512
Bacon, Edmund, Design of Cities, London: Penguin Books 1976. ISBN: 978-0140042368.
Banerjee, Tridib; Southworth, Michael (eds.). City sense and city design: writings and projects of Kevin Lynch. Cambridge (Mass.): The MIT press, 1995
Bates, Stephen; Serginson, Jonathan, Papers 2, Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 2007. ISBN-13: 978-0954237110
Canniffe, Eamonn, Urban Ethic: Design in the Contemporary City, Routledge 2006. ISBN: 978-0415348652.
Caruso, Adam, The Feeling of Things, Poligrafa 2009. ISBN: 978-8434311862.
Delgado, Manuel, El Animal Publico: Hacia Una Antropologia de Los Espacios Urbanos, Madrid: Editorial Anagrama 1999. ISBN: 978-8433905802.
Elwall, Robert, Building with light: an international history of architectural photography, London: Merrell, 2004
Eyck, Aldo van, Aldo Van Eyck: Writings, Sun Publishers 2006. ISBN: 978-9085062622
Gehl, Jan. Life Between Buildings: Using Public Space, Island Press, 2011. ISBN: 978-1597268271
Gierstberg, Frits, Suburban Options : photography commissions and the urbanization of the landscape, Rotterdam: Nederlands Foto Instituut, 1998
Hall, Peter. Cities in civilization (culture, innovation and urban order). London: Phoenix,1999
Hertzberger, Herman, Lessons for Students in Architecture, 010 Pub 2005. ISBN: 978-9064505621
Innerarity, Daniel. El nuevo espacio publico, Espassa. 2006. ISBN: 9788467020885
Le Goff, Jacques, History and memory, New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. ISBN: 978-0231075916
Lefebvre, Henri Writings on Cities, Wiley-Blackwell 1996 ISBN: 978-0631191889
Lynch, Kevin, The Image of the City. MIT Press, 1960. ISBN: 978-0262620017
Miles, Malcolm, Art, Space and the City, Routledge 1997. ISBN: 978-0415139434
Muñoz, Francesc. Urbanalización: Paisajes comunes, lugares globales. Gustavo Gili. Barcelona 2008. ISBN: 9788425218736
Pallasmaa, Juhani, The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses, Academy Press, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0470015780
Pessoa, Fernando, Lisbon. What the tourist should see, London: Shearsman Books, 2008. ISBN-10: 190570075
Rossi, Aldo, A Scientific Autobiography, Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1984. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-68041-7
Sennett, Richard, The Conscience of the Eye: The Design and Social Life of Cities, W. W. Norton & Company 1992. ISBN 978-0393308785
Siza, Álvaro, Imaginar a evidência, Lisboa: Edições 70. ISBN: 972-44-1033-1 Soja, Edward W, Postmetropolis: critical studies of cities and regions. Malden, USA: Blackwell, 2000. ISBN: 978-1577180012
Sola-Morales, Ignasi De, Diferencias - Topografia de la Arquitectura Contemporanea, Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili, 1995. ISBN: 9788425219122
Sola-Morales, Manuel, Las Formas de Crecimiento Urbano, Barcelona: UPC Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna 1997. ISBN: 978-8483011973
Tagg, John, The burden of representation : essays on photographies and histories, Basingstoke: Macmillan Education, 1988. ISBN: 978-0816624058
Whyte, William H. The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Project for Public Spaces Inc, 2001. ISBN: 978-0970632418
Zumthor, Peter, Atmospheres, Birkhauser 2006. ISBN: 978-3-7643-7495
[Programme: Flavio Barbini + Ricardo Carvalho]
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Class-02: 22.02.-30.04.2012 Workshop 3 at Lisbon [LIS]
A.S.G. ARCHITEKTUR STUDIUM GENERALE Module #3 International Masters Program 2011/ 2013ARCHITECTURE. PUBLIC. CITY
Public Market in Lisbon’s City Centre
DA/ UAL 22nd February/ 30th March 2012

This project will be developed in Lisbon downtown and consists in a public program. The city’s topography and relation with the river Tagus influenced its foundation and they still affect many of the architectural operations in Lisbon today. Since the 1960s, the city centre is at the risk of becoming deserted and having solely one function while, simultaneously, there is growing pressure from tourism on this area. This project aims to contribute critically to a renewal of the city centre, considering public life and tourism as one of its driving forces.
The place chosen for the intervention is topographically framed by platforms. The amount of historical information is also important data for working the place’s inherent complexity. The place is closely and loosely linked with other significant spots in urban morphology. Its com- plexity lies in realizing the different scales from the several points of view. Our approach to the program aims to be exploratory and critical.
01 Place
02 Program
03 Place/ Program
04 Material
05 Place/ Program/Material
Studio Coordinators and Professors:
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Assistant Professors
Inês Vieira da Silva,
Architect Miguel Vieira, Architect
Aires Mateus, Architect
Carrilho da Graça, Architect
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Inês Vieira da Silva, Architect
Nuno Mateus, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Guest Crtitics
João Santa-Rita
Pedro Reis
Number of weeks: 6
Number of Contact Hours; 150h.
Wednesday 22nd February 2012 Session 01
09:00h – 17.00h: 8.00 hours
Introduction and students and professors presentation.
Visit to the place where the intervention will take place. The cartography, history and conditioning plan views will be analysed. Study models will be planned. The case studies list will be presented.
Conference by Inês Pais “Lisbon “. Debate.
Conference by Filipa Ramalhete “Lisbon “. Debate.
Thursday 23rd February 2012 Session 02
09:00h – 14.00h; 5.00 hours
Free Studio Work
Friday 24th February 2012 Session 03.
09:00h – 17.00h 8.00 hours
Conference by Flavio Barbini (Barbini Architects) “Projects”. Flavio Barbini talks with students.
Conference by Ricardo Carvalho (Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Architects) “All Places”. Ricardo Carvalho talks with students.
Studio work. Follow-up and conclusion of analysis regarding the Case Studies on the proposed theme. Presentation by the students.
Monday 27th February 2012 Session 04
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Conference by SAMI (Inês Vieira da Silva and Miguel Vieira). “Projects”. Inês Vieira da Silva and Miguel Vieira talk with students.
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding the project site and ideias on place. Presentation by the students. Conclu- sions.
Tuesday 28th and 29th Wednsday February 2012 Sessions 05 , 06: 20.00 hours
Study trip Architecture in the south of Portugal:
Day 1: Escola Superior de Educação, a higher education institution in Setúbal (architect Álvaro Siza), Escola Sebastião da Gama, a secondary school in Setúbal (architects Ricardo Carvalho and Joana Vilhena), House in Azeitão (architects Aires Mateus), Santuary in Cabo Espichel. Sleeping in Evora.
Day 2: Malagueira Plan in Évora (architect Álvaro Siza), Faculty of Architecture at Évora University (architect Inês Lobo), Espírito Santo Convent in Évora, Turism School in Portalegre (architect Souto de Moura), Santo António Church in Portalegre (architect Carrilho da Graça) and Nabeiro Winery in Campo Maior (architect Álvaro Siza).
Thursday 1st March 2012 Session 07
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio Work.
52 Hours
Monday 05th March 2012 Session 08
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Masterclass by Manuel Aires Mateus “Recent work”. Manuel Aires Mateus talks with students.
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding program concepts. Presentation by the students.
Tuesday 06th March 2012 Session 09
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding program concepts. Presentation by the students.
Wednesday 07th March 2012 Session 10
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students.
Thursday 8th March 2012 Session 11
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio Work.
74 Hours
Monday 12h March 2012 Session 12
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Masterclass by Nuno Mateus/ ARX Portugal Architects “Recent work”. Nuno Mateus talks with students.
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Work follow-up.
Tuesday 13th March 2012 Session 13
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students.
Wednesday 14th March 2012 Session 14
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Conclusions.
Thursday 15h March 2012 Session 15
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio Work.
95 Hours
Monday 19th March 2012 Session 16
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Masterclass by João Luís Carrilho da Graça “Recent work”. Carrilho da Graça talks with students.
Studio work.
Tuesday 20th March 2012 Session 17
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students.
Wednesday 21st March 2012 Session 18
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Presentation by the students. Invited critics: professor Pedro Reis. Conclusions.
Thursday 22nd March 2012 Session 19
09:00h – 15.00h: 6.00 hours
Studio Work.
116 Hours
Place/ Program/Material
Monday 26h March 2012 Session 20
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Invited critic: professor João Santa-Rita.
Tuesday 27th March 2012 Session 21
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding material and construction concepts.
Wednesday 28th March 2012 Session 22
09:00h – 14.00h: 5.00 hours
Studio work. Follow-up of analysis regarding material and construction concepts
Thursday 29th March 2012 Session 23
09:00h – 18.00h: 9.00 hours
Studio Work.
140 Hours
Final Presentation
Friday 30th March 2012.
Project presentation before a jury (2 sessions in 1 day)
Studio work. The work will be presented in A1 format (vertical) in order to create a portfolio called “Process”. In the final presentation the portfolio will presented before the jury, as welll as a A3 version (horizontal) and a digital presentation.
Students will present a paper (10 000 ca) with the theme “The Meaning of Public in Architecture”
Stéphane Hanrot (ENA M)
Jennifer Rockstroh (BTU Cottbus)
Flavio Barbini (DA UAL) Inês Vieira da Silva (DA UAL)
Miguel Vieira ( DA UAL)
Ricardo Carvalho (DA UAL)
IBIRAPUERA PARK MARQUISE, S. Paulo, Brasil, 1951-1954. Oscar Niemeyer.
UGALDE HOUSE, Spain, 1951-1952. José António Coderch. SANTA MARIA DA FEIRA MARKET, Portugal,1956-1960. Fernando Távora.
NORDIC COUNTRIES PAVILION, Venice Bienale, Italy, 1958-1962. Sverre Fehn.
AMSTERDAM ORPHANAGE, The Netherlands,1960. Aldo van Eyck.
FLOWER KIOSK, Malmo, Sweden, 1969. Sigurd Lewerentz. BAGSVARD CHURCH Denmark, 1973-1976. Jorn Utzon. CENTRE POMPIDOU, Paris, France, 1977. Renzo Piano e Richard Rogers. SESC POMPEIA CIVIC CENTER, S. Paulo, Brasil, 1982. Lina Bo Bardi. BRAGA MARKET, Braga, Portugal, 1980-1984. Eduardo Souto de Moura. EDUCATION SCHOOL, Setúbal, Portugal, 1986-1992. Álvaro Siza. MUBE. SCULPTURE MUSEUM, S. Paulo, Brazil, 1986-1995. Paulo Mendes da Rocha.
CAUMASEE LAKE PAVILION, Flims, Switzerland, 1996-2002. Valerio Olgiati.
HOMENAGEM TOWER, Huéscar, Granada, Spain, 1998-2006. António Jiménez Torrecillas.
SCHOOL OF MUSIC, Lisbon, 1998-2008. João Luís Carrilho da Graça. AZEITÃO HOUSE, Portugal, 2000-2003. Aires Mateus. I CHING GALLERY DIA BEACON, New York, USA, 2003. Peter Zumthor. TARA HOUSE, Kashid, Maharashtra, India, 2005. Studio Mumbai. TAMA UNIVERSITY ART LIBRARY, Tokyo, Japan, 2007. Toyo Ito. 1111 LINCOLN ROAD, Miami, USA, 2010. Herzog & de Meuron. ROLEX LEARNING CENTER EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, 2004-2010. SANAA.
Ábalos, Inaki; Herreros, Juan. “A New Naturalism (7 Micromanifestos)”. 2G no 22 Barcelona 2002. ISSN: 1136-9647
Agamben, Giorgio “Metropolis” Barragan, Luis; “Acceptance Speech” 1980.
Corboz, Andre “Le Territoire comme Palimpseste”
Pallasmaa, Juhani. "The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses” Academy Press, 2005. ISBN-13: 978-0470015780
Rossi, Aldo. “A Scientific Autobiography”, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.1984. ISBN-13: 978-0-262-68041-7
Bates, Stephen; Serginson, Jonathan. “Papers 2”. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2007. ISBN-13: 978-0954237110
Pessoa, Fernando. “Lisbon. What the tourist should see”, Shearsman Books, London 2008. ISBN-10: 190570075
Fugimoto, Sou, “Primitive Future”, Inax, Tokyo, 2008. ISBN-978-4872751482
Sennett, Richard “The Public Realm” emplates/General2.aspx?pageid=16
Siza, Álvaro. “Imaginar a evidência”, Edições 70, Lisboa. ISBN: 972-44-1033-1
Sola-Morales, Ignasi De. “Diferencias - Topografia de la Arquitectura Contemporanea”. Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 1995. ISBN: 9788425219122
Zumthor, Peter. “Thinking Architecture”, Birkhauser 2010. ISBN: 978-3-0346-0585-4
Zumthor, Peter. “Atmospheres”, Birkhauser 2006. ISBN: 978-3-7643-7495
Student accommodation
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Class-01: 28.02.-08.04.2011 Workshop 3 at Lisbon [LIS]
at Universidade Autónoma de LisboaDepartamente de Arquitectura
Flavio Barbini, Professor Arquitecto, Director do Departamento,
Ricardo Carvalho, Professor Arquitecto, Secretário Académico do Departamento
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Module III
DA/ UAL February/ March 2011
>>>Location on Google-Maps
Hotel-Escola in Lisbon’s city centre
This project will be developed in the historical part of Lisbon. The city’s topography and relation with the river Tagus influenced its foundation and they still affect many of the architectural operations in Lisbon today. Since the 1960s, the city centre is at the risk of becoming deserted and having solely one function while, simultaneously, there is growing pressure from tourism on this area. This project aims to contribute critically to a renewal of the city centre, considering tourism as one of its driving forces.
The place chosen for the intervention is topographically framed by platforms. The amount of historical information is also important data for working the place’s inherent complexity. The place is closely and loosely linked with other significant spots in urban morphology. Its complexity lies in realizing the different scales from the several points of view. Our approach to the program aims to be exploratory and critical.
Course structure
01 Place
02 Program
03 Place/ Program
04 Subject matter
05 Place/ Program/Subject matter
Coordinators and Professors:
Flavio Barbini, Architect
Ricardo Carvalho, Architect
Assistant Professors
Inês Vieira da Silva, Architect
Miguel Vieira, Architect
Number of weeks: 6
Number of Contact Hours; 150h.
Monday 28 February 2011 08:00,. Session 01
Introduction. Visit to the place where the intervention will take place. The place will be photographed. The cartography, history and conditioning plan views will be analysed. Study models will be planned. Case studies will be selected.
14.00h. Conference by professor José Monterroso Teixeira. “Lisboa. Do Ilumismo à Modernidade” (Lisbon from the Enlightment up to Modern times). * in English.
15.00h. Conference by professor José Manuel Fernandes. “Lisboa. A Arquitectura da Cidade” (Lisbon, the City’s Architecture) * in English.
Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conferences
Tuesday 01 March 2011 08.00h Session 02
Follow-up of analysis regarding the Case Studies on the proposed theme
14.00h. Conference by Ricardo Carvalho (Ricardo Carvalho + Joana Vilhena Architects) “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
15.00h. Conference by architects Flavio Barbini and Maria João Barbini (Barbini Architects) “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
16.00h. Conference by architects SAMI (Inês Vieira da Silva and Miguel Viera). “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Wednesday 02 March 2011 08.00h. Session 03
Follow-up of analysis regarding the Case Studies on the proposed theme
14.00h. Masterclass by architect João Luís Carrilho da Graça “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Follow-up and work presentation. Conclusions.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday 03, 04 and 05 March 2011. 08.00h. Sessions 04, 05 and 06.
Study trip Architecture in the south of Portugal
Three-day trip around the south of Portugal
Day 1: Escola Superior de Educação, a higher education institution in Setúbal (architect Álvaro Siza), Escola Sebastião da Gama, a secondary school in Setúbal (architects Ricardo Carvalho and Joana Vilhena), Santuário da Nossa Senhora do Cano, a church in Cabo Espichel, Quinta da Bacalhoa (a house), Centro Cultural de Sines, a cultural centre (architects Aires Mateus), Estação Arqueológica de Miróbriga (archaeological centre with an information centre - Centro Interpretativo - by architect Paula Santos),
Day 2: Estação Biológica do Garducho, a biological station in Mourão (architect Ventura Trindade), neighbourhood of Malagueira in Évora (architect Álvaro Siza), Faculty of Architecture at Évora University (architect Inês Lobo), Convento do Espírito Santo, a convent in Évora.
Day 3: Museu de Arte Contemporânea, a museum in Elvas (architect Pedro Reis), Pousada da Flor da Rosa, a hotel in Crato (architect Carrilho da Graça), Igreja de Santo António, a church in Portalegre (architect Carrilho da Graça) and Adega Nabeiro, a winery in Campo Maior (architect Álvaro Siza).
Thursday 10 March 2011 08.00h. Session 07
Analysis of possible programs. Work follow-up.
14.00h. Conference by professor Filipa Ramalhete. “The pressure to change historical centres 194/2000.” Students have to write 1000-word paper based on the conference. * in English.
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Friday. 11 March 2011 08.00h. Session 08
Work follow-up.
Monday 14 March 2011 08.00h. Session 09
Work follow-up.
14.00h. Masterclass by architect Paulo David “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Tuesday 15 March 2011 08.00h. Session 10
Work follow-up.
Wednesday 16 March 2011 08.00h. Session 11
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Work follow-up.
Thursday 17 March 2011 08.00h. Session 12
Work follow-up.
14.00h. Invited critics: professors Inês Lobo and Pedro Reis
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Subject matter
Wednesday 23 March 2011 08.00h. Session 13
Analysis of possible relations between program and place. Work follow-up.
14.00h. Masterclass by architect Manuel Aires Mateus “Projectos e Obras” (Projects and Construction). * in English.
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Thursday 24 March 2011 08.00h Session 14.
Work follow-up.
Friday. 25 March 2011 08.00h Session 15.
Work follow-up.
14.00h. Invited critics: professors Nuno Mateus and Manuel Graça Dias
Presentation of proposals. Discussion and conclusions.
Week 05
Place/ Program/Subject matter
Monday 28 March 2011 08.00h Session 16.
Work follow-up.
Tuesday 29 March 2011 08.00h Session 17.
Work follow-up.
Wednesday 30 March 2011 08.00h Session 18.
Work follow-up.
Week 06
Conclusions. Preparation of Final Project
Thursday 31 March 2011 08.00h Session 19.
Work follow-up.
Friday. 01 April 2011 08.00h Session 20.
Work follow-up.
Monday and Tuesday 04 and 05 April 2011 09.00h Sessions 21 and 22.
Project presentation before a jury (4 sessions in 2 days)
Chris Burns (Abcarius & Burns Berlin and American University Beirut)
Dagmar Jäger (jp3_Architects, Berlin & BTU Cottbus)
Flavio Barbini (DA UAL)
Inês Vieira da Silva (DA UAL)
Miguel Vieira ( DA UAL)
Ricardo Carvalho (DA UAL)
Student accommodation
Parque Tecnológico da Mutela
Avenida Aliança do Povo, M.F.A, 2804-537 Almada Portugal