Haifa [C4,C3] TLV [C1]
>>>Reiseuni Report | Making of[Vol:IV Making of • Cycle-03]
(Workshops in chronological order)
2017-03-05 WS05, Class-04, Programme:
with the Reiseuni_lab.
The site in the old historical center of Hadar Ha Carmel neighborhood in midtown Haifa, is characterized by urban, topographical and cultural mix.
The City Section Workshop aims to deal with the disrupted urban tissue of the chosen area,
in order to create a continuity of active city life.
The site, once a vibrant urban area combining residential, commercial and cutural uses, became a neglected district within the heart of the city.
The Talpiot Market and other abandoned or under-used buildings and sites, provide frames
for case studies to analyze the ways of urban rehabilitation. The market itself, as a conceptual presence, allows for an opportunity to generate a meaningful change of the whole area.
guide the work towards a speci c architectural proposal:
- Accessibility - Orientation - Topography - Connectors - De ning Elements - Memory Nolli's Map of Rome will furthermore serve as an inspirational tool for developing the public areas of the City Section plans.
1. Timeline: 05 - 12.03.2017
Formulation of an outline for a Master Plan for the old center of Hadar neighborhood. Analytical mapping and documenting the area will result in a proposal of a web of condensers and connectors for Hadar and adjacent districts.
The plans will be developed in collaboration with the 4th year students of the Faculty of Architecture at NB Haifa School of Design and the work will be executed in 5-6 teams, each one headed by a Master Program student.
At the conclusion of the one week workshop each team will present its proposal in scale 1:1000/1:500 for discussion and recommendations to follow.
The goal of the 1st stage workshop is to discuss and apply current urban theories and methodologies in the formulation of a site speci c urban intervention.
The design process will focus on the analysis of a possible in uence of localized-intervention as a tool to revitalize the deteriorating central area of the city.
It should be a free and creative exercise in the reinvention of the contemporary city:
a study that considers the complex constraints of the site the geographical, historical, architectural, and cultural.
The research and design will nd their expression in the general programmatic outlines and a 3 dimensional scheme to form a basis for further development in the second stage of the workshop.
2. Timeline: 13.03. - 07.04.2017
Conceptual design - detailed architectural project in scale 1:250, developed individually by each Master Program student and based on the previously prepared Master Plans, focused on a speci c part of those plans.
The project will be developed along the guide lines of the KEY TERMS.
Dr. Rachel Rapaport, Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Lior Galili, Alon Razgour Designer, Dr. Hadas Shadar, Arch. Eyal Malka.
_ Gehl Jan & Gemzoe Lars "New City Spaces" The Danish Architectural Press, Copenhagen 2001. ISBN 8774072552.
_ Herbert, Gilbert & Sosnovsky Silvina "Bauhaus On The Carmel and The Crossroads Of Empire", Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Jerusalem 1993. ISBN 9652171034
_ Jameson, Fredric "A Singular Modernity", Verso, London, 2012. ISBN-13: 978781680223 _ Karmi-Melamede, Ada & Price, Dan
"Architecture in Palestine during the British Mandate, 1917- 1948"
Israel Museum, Jerusalem 2014 ISBN: 9789652784230
_ Lauster, Martina, Walter Benjamin's Myth of the "Flâneur", The Modern Language Review, Modern
Humanities Research Association, Vol. 102, No. 1 (Jan., 2007), pp. 139-156
_ Perec, Jeorge "Life a User's Manual", Hachette, Paris, 1978. ISBN: 9780879237516
_ Ranciere, Jacques "The Emancipated Spectator", Verso, London, 2009. ISBN-13:9781844677610 _ Rotbard, Sharon " White City, Black City: Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa"
The MIT press. ISBN: 9780262527729 _ Sennett, Richard "The Public Realm.
_ Zumthor, Peter "Thinking Architecture"
2016-03-06 WS05 Programme:
Transforming Urban Context at NB School of Design, Haifa
Tutors: Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, guests and critics.
1. Formulation of an outline for a Master Plan for the north eastern edge of the Haifa Downtown. Timeline: 06 - 13.03.2016.
The plans will be developed in collaboration with the 4th year students of the Faculty of Architecture at NB Haifa School of Design and the work will be executed in 6 teams, each one headed by a Master Program student.
At the conclusion of the one week workshop each team will present its proposal at scale 1:1000/1:500 for discussion and recommendations to follow.
The goal of the 1st stage workshop is to discuss and apply current urban theories and methodologies in the formulation of a site specific urban intervention.
The design process will be aimed at a strategy to rede ne the given area in order to reconnect it with the city by providing a continuity of public space while focusing on maximizing its multi-layered potential.
It should be a free and creative exercise in the reinvention of the contemporary city;
a study exercised under the consideration of the constraints of the complex infrastructure of transportation: roads of different traf c intensity, multiple railway tracks and the port, as well as the proximity to the sea front. The historical architectural and cultural background marked by political con ict will inform the study furthermore.
The study, research and design will nd their expression in the general programmatic outlines and a 3 dimensional scheme to form a basis for further development in the second stage of the workshop.
2. Detailed Architectural Project, scale 1:200, based on any of the previously prepared Master Plans and focused on and around the wholesale market area.
Timeline: 14.03. - 08.04.2016.
The architectural project will be developed individually by the Master Program student.
General background:
The site designated for the study is situated in the north-eastern outskirts of Haifa along the transportation routes signi cant for the town, where residential-, commercial-, industrial- and business areas converge. It is however a paradox mix of urban intensity and obsolete industrial and residential structures where an urban tissue appears a lost space, cut off and dislocated. Moreover the unique geographic situation characteristic of Haifa: the slope of Mount Carmel in the east nearing the Mediterranean in the west, comes to prominence.
The whole area, a part of the proposed linear downtown center, calls for a new conceptual functional program, based on a contextual analysis to leading towards its transformation while generating innovative architectural typologies and solutions, instrumental for the revitalization of urban spaces thus marking the entrance to Haifa from the east: PORTA NOVA.
[Programme: Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz]
10:00 Lecture 01 - Prof. Horacio Schwartz : Intruduction and Urban Transforming Theories. 11:30 Lecture 02 - Arch. Ariel Watreman, Haifa city Engineer: Future Urban Plans in Haifa.
13:00 Lecture 03 - Arch. Waleed Karkabi, Haifa Municipalty: Preservation in a Multi Cultural City. 14:30 Lunch break.
15:00 Site tour.
19:00 Summary discussion.
MONDAY 07.03
10:00 Lecture 01 - Dr. Rachel Rapaport : Urban History of Haifa. 11:30 Studio work.
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 14:00-19:00
4th year: Full day.
10:00 Studio work.
14:00 Lecture: Arch. Gabi Schwartz, architect's projects.
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-19:00
Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Farach Farach, Arch. Maya Weisman llan.
4th year: From 11:30
10:00 Haifa Museum visit. 12:00 Studio work.
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00 Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Farach Farach, 14:00- 19:00
4th year: From 13:30
10:00 Studio work.
13:00 Lecture: Prof. Baruch Baruch, Port Campus Master Plan. Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00
Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Farach Farach, 14:00- 19:00
4th year: From 13:30
FRIDAY 11.03
09:30 Haifa Tour, Arch. Liora Bar-Am Shahal. 13:00 Studio work.
SUNDAY 13.03
11:00 PRESENTATIONS - First stage
TUTORS : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Farach Farach, Arch. Maya Weisman Ilan.
GUESTS : Arch. Irit Tsaraf Netanyahu, Arch. Ariel Waterman, Arch. Itzik Hirsch.
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
14:00 Arch. Yoram Popper, Architect's projects.
15:30 Merryanne Krupnik Meirovitch, Bachelor Thesis Project.
11:00 LECTURE: Arch. Yoav Hameiri, The Argaman Factory and other works. 13:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00
Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 14:00-19:00
10:00 Yad Vashem Museum tour with Prof. David Alexander 15:00 Tour of the city with Prof. David Guggenheim
Tutors : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz. Guests : Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jaeger.
MONDAY 21.03
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
14:00 Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jaeger, Reiseuni Master Programme Introduction. 15:30 Omer Popper, Studies Project in Downtown Haifa.
Arch. Galia Steinberger, Studies Project in Down Town Haifa.
Guests: 10:00 Arch. Galia Weiser, 12:00 Dr. Rachel Rapaport, 15:00 Arch. Irit Tsaraf Netanyahu. Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz.
17:00 Pin Up Presentations.
10:00 tour with Prof. Horacio Schwartz Meeting in Rabin's Square, Tel Aviv.
Tutors : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz
MONDAY 28.03
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
14:00 Arch. Eduardo Arroyo, Madrid, Spain. on his work.
15:30 Arch. Michal Baroz - presents Reiseuni master thesis project.
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00 Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 14:00-19:00
Participation in Arch. Eduardo Arroyo workshop presentations. 10:00-19:00
FRIDAY 01.04
ACRE TOUR. Historical Core tour. with Arch. Yoram Popper.
KIBBUTZIM TOUR: Ein Harod Museum, Kibbutz Rehavia visit. with Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz.
Tutors : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz
MONDAY 04.04
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
TUESDAY 05.04 10:00 STUDIO
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00 Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 14:00-19:00
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David Azrieli Scool of Architecture
Prof. Elinoar Barzacchi, architect and town planner
Ayala Ronel, architect and senior lecture
At the onset, Tel-Aviv was actually two suburban neighborhoods to Jaffa, named "Achuzat Bayit" (house estate) and "Ir Ganim" (garden city). The 1921 riots, brought about violent hostilities between the Jewish and Arab population, most of which took place in the Tel-Aviv area. Consequently, Tel-Aviv detached from its Jaffa neighbor and became an independent urban entity. From the onset of the new status, Tel-Aviv evolved into the commercial, economical and social center of the Jewish settlements in "Eretz Yisrael" (the Israel territory at the time). Furthermore, Tel-Aviv aspired to establish its status as an international metropolis, that by hosting events such as "Yarid Ha-Mizrach" (Orient fair and exposition), the "Maccabia Sports Event" (the so called the Jewish Olympics) and constructing an international exhibition center.
In 1950, two years after the 1948 War of Independence and the establishment the State of Israel, Tel-Aviv and Jaffa merged together as one city.
To date, Tel-Aviv is a modern post-industrial city, comprised of 3 core areas: The historical center, now the financial district, the Eastern district along the Ayalon beltway, now the industrial and service businesses area, and the waterfront district where corporate offices and head quarters are located as well as a myriad of organizations and societies making their home there.
Tel Aviv became a cultural center, with several cores; The Golda compound, that incorporate the Opera house, the Chamery theater, the Tel Aviv museum with its new recent section, and Piazza, and the municipal library.
The Jaffa area includes the old city, the port, the "Jaffa slopes" and the station compound. An upgrading is done to the Habima Theater, the concert-hall, "Haichal Hatarbut" and museum Helena Rubinstein.
Tel Aviv shore line is a strip mainly dedicated to tourism.
The accelerated change in Tel Aviv can be seen in the change of the sky line.
High rise buildings, both for offices and dwelling – are built, and change the characteristic of the streets.
In the same time other effects of changes and fast growing occur: Growing gap between the rich and the poor, unaffordable prices of apartments make young people leave the city.
Areas of urban delinquency, poverty mainly populate by foreign workers, process of gentrification, high-rise buildings and closed community cause lost of identity of areas, infra structure, transport, and all those subjects are part of the price the city is paying for turning "global city".
As for Planning- fast development changes the identity and character of the city and the city may loose its identity,
The public space is changing.
The division between Jaffa and Tel-Aviv, that is as old as Tel-Aviv history, exist and felt especially in the Manshia area (a neighborhood deserted in 1948 and demolished in the 60's).
The subject of the Studio will be the dilemma of separation and space between Jaffa and Tel Aviv.
This significant place, adjacent to the seafront, is potentially an area for new development.
We shall be dealing with the questions of urban identity and public-space design.
During the first week the students shall work as a team to formulate an urban strategy, designation, program and mode of intervention.
Following, teams of 2-3 students shall plan architectural guide lines, in accordance with the general strategy.
The proposals formulated by all the teams, shall be presented as a whole.
Strategy definition
Comprehensive strategy plan 1:2500 – 1:500
Work–teams forming
Architectural planning – construction or development. 1:100 1:250
Formation of a general proposal for the area 1:100 1:250 1:500 1:1250
(Workshops in chronological order)
2017-03-05 WS05, Class-04, Programme:
International Master’s Programme of ‚European Architecture‘with the Reiseuni_lab.
The Program will focus on a research of contemporary concept of urban space.The site in the old historical center of Hadar Ha Carmel neighborhood in midtown Haifa, is characterized by urban, topographical and cultural mix.
The City Section Workshop aims to deal with the disrupted urban tissue of the chosen area,
in order to create a continuity of active city life.
The site, once a vibrant urban area combining residential, commercial and cutural uses, became a neglected district within the heart of the city.
The Talpiot Market and other abandoned or under-used buildings and sites, provide frames
for case studies to analyze the ways of urban rehabilitation. The market itself, as a conceptual presence, allows for an opportunity to generate a meaningful change of the whole area.
The research, based on an abstract - realistic package of key notions and terms, willguide the work towards a speci c architectural proposal:
- Accessibility - Orientation - Topography - Connectors - De ning Elements - Memory Nolli's Map of Rome will furthermore serve as an inspirational tool for developing the public areas of the City Section plans.
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2017-04-07 WS05 | Haifa, Photo: Michal Baroz, edit: jp3 |
The Haifa workshop is divided into two stages:1. Timeline: 05 - 12.03.2017
Formulation of an outline for a Master Plan for the old center of Hadar neighborhood. Analytical mapping and documenting the area will result in a proposal of a web of condensers and connectors for Hadar and adjacent districts.
The plans will be developed in collaboration with the 4th year students of the Faculty of Architecture at NB Haifa School of Design and the work will be executed in 5-6 teams, each one headed by a Master Program student.
At the conclusion of the one week workshop each team will present its proposal in scale 1:1000/1:500 for discussion and recommendations to follow.
The goal of the 1st stage workshop is to discuss and apply current urban theories and methodologies in the formulation of a site speci c urban intervention.
The design process will focus on the analysis of a possible in uence of localized-intervention as a tool to revitalize the deteriorating central area of the city.
It should be a free and creative exercise in the reinvention of the contemporary city:
a study that considers the complex constraints of the site the geographical, historical, architectural, and cultural.
The research and design will nd their expression in the general programmatic outlines and a 3 dimensional scheme to form a basis for further development in the second stage of the workshop.
2. Timeline: 13.03. - 07.04.2017
Conceptual design - detailed architectural project in scale 1:250, developed individually by each Master Program student and based on the previously prepared Master Plans, focused on a speci c part of those plans.
The project will be developed along the guide lines of the KEY TERMS.
Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, Arch. Lee Bechar.Dr. Rachel Rapaport, Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Lior Galili, Alon Razgour Designer, Dr. Hadas Shadar, Arch. Eyal Malka.
_ Auge, Marc "Non Places: An Introduction to Supermodernity", Verso, London, 1995. ISBN- 13:9781844673223_ Gehl Jan & Gemzoe Lars "New City Spaces" The Danish Architectural Press, Copenhagen 2001. ISBN 8774072552.
_ Herbert, Gilbert & Sosnovsky Silvina "Bauhaus On The Carmel and The Crossroads Of Empire", Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, Jerusalem 1993. ISBN 9652171034
_ Jameson, Fredric "A Singular Modernity", Verso, London, 2012. ISBN-13: 978781680223 _ Karmi-Melamede, Ada & Price, Dan
"Architecture in Palestine during the British Mandate, 1917- 1948"
Israel Museum, Jerusalem 2014 ISBN: 9789652784230
_ Lauster, Martina, Walter Benjamin's Myth of the "Flâneur", The Modern Language Review, Modern
Humanities Research Association, Vol. 102, No. 1 (Jan., 2007), pp. 139-156
_ Perec, Jeorge "Life a User's Manual", Hachette, Paris, 1978. ISBN: 9780879237516
_ Ranciere, Jacques "The Emancipated Spectator", Verso, London, 2009. ISBN-13:9781844677610 _ Rotbard, Sharon " White City, Black City: Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa"
The MIT press. ISBN: 9780262527729 _ Sennett, Richard "The Public Realm.
_ Zumthor, Peter "Thinking Architecture"
[Michal Baroz with Lenka Cederbaum and Horacio Schwartz]
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Transforming Urban Context at NB School of Design, Haifa
Tutors: Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, guests and critics.
The Haifa workshop is divided into two stages:1. Formulation of an outline for a Master Plan for the north eastern edge of the Haifa Downtown. Timeline: 06 - 13.03.2016.
The plans will be developed in collaboration with the 4th year students of the Faculty of Architecture at NB Haifa School of Design and the work will be executed in 6 teams, each one headed by a Master Program student.
At the conclusion of the one week workshop each team will present its proposal at scale 1:1000/1:500 for discussion and recommendations to follow.
The goal of the 1st stage workshop is to discuss and apply current urban theories and methodologies in the formulation of a site specific urban intervention.
The design process will be aimed at a strategy to rede ne the given area in order to reconnect it with the city by providing a continuity of public space while focusing on maximizing its multi-layered potential.
It should be a free and creative exercise in the reinvention of the contemporary city;
a study exercised under the consideration of the constraints of the complex infrastructure of transportation: roads of different traf c intensity, multiple railway tracks and the port, as well as the proximity to the sea front. The historical architectural and cultural background marked by political con ict will inform the study furthermore.
The study, research and design will nd their expression in the general programmatic outlines and a 3 dimensional scheme to form a basis for further development in the second stage of the workshop.
2. Detailed Architectural Project, scale 1:200, based on any of the previously prepared Master Plans and focused on and around the wholesale market area.
Timeline: 14.03. - 08.04.2016.
The architectural project will be developed individually by the Master Program student.
General background:
The site designated for the study is situated in the north-eastern outskirts of Haifa along the transportation routes signi cant for the town, where residential-, commercial-, industrial- and business areas converge. It is however a paradox mix of urban intensity and obsolete industrial and residential structures where an urban tissue appears a lost space, cut off and dislocated. Moreover the unique geographic situation characteristic of Haifa: the slope of Mount Carmel in the east nearing the Mediterranean in the west, comes to prominence.
The whole area, a part of the proposed linear downtown center, calls for a new conceptual functional program, based on a contextual analysis to leading towards its transformation while generating innovative architectural typologies and solutions, instrumental for the revitalization of urban spaces thus marking the entrance to Haifa from the east: PORTA NOVA.
[Programme: Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz]
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2016-03-07 WS05 | Haifa, Photos: Lenka Cederbaum, collage: jp3 |
SUNDAY 06.0310:00 Lecture 01 - Prof. Horacio Schwartz : Intruduction and Urban Transforming Theories. 11:30 Lecture 02 - Arch. Ariel Watreman, Haifa city Engineer: Future Urban Plans in Haifa.
13:00 Lecture 03 - Arch. Waleed Karkabi, Haifa Municipalty: Preservation in a Multi Cultural City. 14:30 Lunch break.
15:00 Site tour.
19:00 Summary discussion.
MONDAY 07.03
10:00 Lecture 01 - Dr. Rachel Rapaport : Urban History of Haifa. 11:30 Studio work.
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 14:00-19:00
4th year: Full day.
10:00 Studio work.
14:00 Lecture: Arch. Gabi Schwartz, architect's projects.
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-19:00
Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Farach Farach, Arch. Maya Weisman llan.
4th year: From 11:30
10:00 Haifa Museum visit. 12:00 Studio work.
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00 Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Farach Farach, 14:00- 19:00
4th year: From 13:30
10:00 Studio work.
13:00 Lecture: Prof. Baruch Baruch, Port Campus Master Plan. Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00
Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Farach Farach, 14:00- 19:00
4th year: From 13:30
FRIDAY 11.03
09:30 Haifa Tour, Arch. Liora Bar-Am Shahal. 13:00 Studio work.
SUNDAY 13.03
11:00 PRESENTATIONS - First stage
TUTORS : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, Prof. Baruch Baruch, Arch. Farach Farach, Arch. Maya Weisman Ilan.
GUESTS : Arch. Irit Tsaraf Netanyahu, Arch. Ariel Waterman, Arch. Itzik Hirsch.
MONDAY 14.0310:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
14:00 Arch. Yoram Popper, Architect's projects.
15:30 Merryanne Krupnik Meirovitch, Bachelor Thesis Project.
11:00 LECTURE: Arch. Yoav Hameiri, The Argaman Factory and other works. 13:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00
Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 14:00-19:00
10:00 Yad Vashem Museum tour with Prof. David Alexander 15:00 Tour of the city with Prof. David Guggenheim
Tutors : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz. Guests : Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jaeger.
MONDAY 21.03
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
14:00 Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jaeger, Reiseuni Master Programme Introduction. 15:30 Omer Popper, Studies Project in Downtown Haifa.
Arch. Galia Steinberger, Studies Project in Down Town Haifa.
Guests: 10:00 Arch. Galia Weiser, 12:00 Dr. Rachel Rapaport, 15:00 Arch. Irit Tsaraf Netanyahu. Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz.
17:00 Pin Up Presentations.
10:00 tour with Prof. Horacio Schwartz Meeting in Rabin's Square, Tel Aviv.
Tutors : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz
MONDAY 28.03
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
14:00 Arch. Eduardo Arroyo, Madrid, Spain. on his work.
15:30 Arch. Michal Baroz - presents Reiseuni master thesis project.
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00 Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 14:00-19:00
Participation in Arch. Eduardo Arroyo workshop presentations. 10:00-19:00
FRIDAY 01.04
ACRE TOUR. Historical Core tour. with Arch. Yoram Popper.
KIBBUTZIM TOUR: Ein Harod Museum, Kibbutz Rehavia visit. with Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz.
Tutors : Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz
MONDAY 04.04
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Michal Baroz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 10:00-19:00
TUESDAY 05.04 10:00 STUDIO
10:00 STUDIO
Tutors: Arch. Lenka Cederbaum, Arch. Michal Baroz, 10:00-14:00 Prof. Horacio Schwartz, Carmel Sade, Noga Shahar, 14:00-19:00
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Class-01: 24.10.-04.12.2011 Workshop 7 at Tel Aviv [TLV]
at Tel Aviv University, Faculty of the ArtsDavid Azrieli Scool of Architecture
Prof. Elinoar Barzacchi, architect and town planner
Ayala Ronel, architect and senior lecture
Between Tel-Aviv and Jaffa
A year ago, the city of Tel-Aviv celebrated its first centennial anniversary. It all began in the 19th century in the city of Jaffa, already a multi-cultural, cosmopolitan city. Jaffa had telegraph and communication lines and advanced transportation infrastructure including a commercial port and a rail line connection with Jerusalem. The cosmopolitan population of the city assimilated many immigrants; hence, the multi-cultural aspect of the city influenced the local life style, the architectural style and brought about the creation of cultural centers, such as theaters, movie hall etc.At the onset, Tel-Aviv was actually two suburban neighborhoods to Jaffa, named "Achuzat Bayit" (house estate) and "Ir Ganim" (garden city). The 1921 riots, brought about violent hostilities between the Jewish and Arab population, most of which took place in the Tel-Aviv area. Consequently, Tel-Aviv detached from its Jaffa neighbor and became an independent urban entity. From the onset of the new status, Tel-Aviv evolved into the commercial, economical and social center of the Jewish settlements in "Eretz Yisrael" (the Israel territory at the time). Furthermore, Tel-Aviv aspired to establish its status as an international metropolis, that by hosting events such as "Yarid Ha-Mizrach" (Orient fair and exposition), the "Maccabia Sports Event" (the so called the Jewish Olympics) and constructing an international exhibition center.
In 1950, two years after the 1948 War of Independence and the establishment the State of Israel, Tel-Aviv and Jaffa merged together as one city.
To date, Tel-Aviv is a modern post-industrial city, comprised of 3 core areas: The historical center, now the financial district, the Eastern district along the Ayalon beltway, now the industrial and service businesses area, and the waterfront district where corporate offices and head quarters are located as well as a myriad of organizations and societies making their home there.
Tel Aviv became a cultural center, with several cores; The Golda compound, that incorporate the Opera house, the Chamery theater, the Tel Aviv museum with its new recent section, and Piazza, and the municipal library.
The Jaffa area includes the old city, the port, the "Jaffa slopes" and the station compound. An upgrading is done to the Habima Theater, the concert-hall, "Haichal Hatarbut" and museum Helena Rubinstein.
Tel Aviv shore line is a strip mainly dedicated to tourism.
The accelerated change in Tel Aviv can be seen in the change of the sky line.
High rise buildings, both for offices and dwelling – are built, and change the characteristic of the streets.
In the same time other effects of changes and fast growing occur: Growing gap between the rich and the poor, unaffordable prices of apartments make young people leave the city.
Areas of urban delinquency, poverty mainly populate by foreign workers, process of gentrification, high-rise buildings and closed community cause lost of identity of areas, infra structure, transport, and all those subjects are part of the price the city is paying for turning "global city".
As for Planning- fast development changes the identity and character of the city and the city may loose its identity,
The public space is changing.
The division between Jaffa and Tel-Aviv, that is as old as Tel-Aviv history, exist and felt especially in the Manshia area (a neighborhood deserted in 1948 and demolished in the 60's).
The subject of the Studio will be the dilemma of separation and space between Jaffa and Tel Aviv.
This significant place, adjacent to the seafront, is potentially an area for new development.
We shall be dealing with the questions of urban identity and public-space design.
During the first week the students shall work as a team to formulate an urban strategy, designation, program and mode of intervention.
Following, teams of 2-3 students shall plan architectural guide lines, in accordance with the general strategy.
The proposals formulated by all the teams, shall be presented as a whole.
IntroductionStrategy definition
Comprehensive strategy plan 1:2500 – 1:500
Work–teams forming
Architectural planning – construction or development. 1:100 1:250
Formation of a general proposal for the area 1:100 1:250 1:500 1:1250
[Ayala Ronel]