MRS [C2]
>>>Reiseuni Report | Making of [Vol:III Workshop Cluster • Marseille]
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Room 30
Mobility of car, train, bus, bicycle, pedestrian, needs infrastructures. But they are usualy designed from economical and technical points of view. This restriction makes violent injuries in towns and countryside since one century. How to concern urban designers, architects and landscape architects to design infrastructures as cultural components of our living space?
We are going to work on the northern territory of Marseille called les Riaux, close to l'Estaque, north of Marseille. On the hills, the situation is amazing: protected from the wind (Mistral), facing south there is a tremendous scenic view on Marseille. Estaque village is still there, as painted by Cezanne. The industrial port as well, owning a large vacant wharf in between road and sea. Vacant because heavy industry passed out, making free large polluted areas on the hills and under the sea. Moreover, the place is under the airport’s noise protection zone. According to these constraints, it is not possible to build permanent housing. Only offices, activities, cultural buildings, research lab ... are allowed.
The city of Marseille designed a brief for urban design, focused on such activities dedicated to sea. A group of student (Master2) had provided a diagnosis on the brief and on the site. Then, these students proposed urban scenarios for development. All this material will be the basis of an intensive urban design workshop during two weeks (weeks 1 and 2). This workshop will be a collective work, developed by mixed teams between you, Reisuni students, and ENSA-M's Master1 students. During the workshop, site visit, conferences by specialists and lectures. The teams’ tutors will be practitioners from the area of Marseille are planned.
After this workshop, you will have a week for thinking (week 3), writing and sketching by yourself about the railway station created within the urban project of your own team. That will be the aim of your personal project to be designed up to the ends of the six weeks period. A A4 booklet and one A0 panel will be required to present the design of the railway station.
Five ENSA-M professors will tutor you. During all the period, you will have different visits on historical and contemporary Marseille, on interesting working sites and on architectural offices. Evaluation: average done between two marks: collective urban design (40%); personal architectural design (60%).
Copy and printing,
Stéphane Hanrot
Remy Marciano
Raphaelle Segond
Pascal Urbain
Week 0,5 Wellcome and visits
Thursday 05/01/2012 9h - 18h
9h-Wellcome room 30, Visit of the school, 11h30 administrative Informations
12h30 - meal with the Dean and tutors
14h - Curriculum presentation 15h - 17h Tutors conferences - professionals and pedagogical production - 20 mnts each : -Pascal Urbain -Raphaelle Segond -Remy Marciano -Alexandre Chapuis -Stéphane Hanrot 17h - 18h - discussion
Friday 06/01/2012 Organising room 30.
14h-19h S.Hanrot : Visit of the center of Marseille. Appointment - metro station : Vieux port.
WORKSHOP S7 - Portes urbaines du port n°3- ENSA-Marseille / GPMM - 2012
Week 1 Site and bief discovering - Design orientations
Monday 9/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
9h - PRESENTATION AMPHI.PUGET 9h - 9h15 - Workshop opening - M. Riche 9h15 - 10h -Brief - S.Hanrot 10h - 10h45 - “the Port GPMM“- R. Vinson 11h - 12h - “Diagnostic and perspective“ - AMO students 12 - 12h15 - Practical informations - N. Fornari 12h15 - 12h30 Student teams and tutors presentation and matching
12h30 - 14h Tutors meal at school : pedagogical frame.
14h - R. Borruey "Une histoire du port".
15h30 - First meeting with Tutors / reading the brief / site visit preparation
17h - 18h30 - Square Tables by S9-Students
20h - 22h amphi Puget : Round Table "Seen from outside" J.Einechen + The Reiseuni Experience - Pierre Broca, Marie Tillet, Benoit Pastel
Thusday 10/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
Site visit by bus (exclusively because entering the port)
9h - Start from'ENSA-M - Visit of the EASTbasin, meeting with port ingeniers and technicians. Tutors are wellcome
Personnal pic-nic to be prepared
Following the site visit 18 h - Stops in town and back to ENSA-M
Wednesday 11/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
11h - 12h30 Square tables2 by S9-Students
AMPHI.PUGET 20h : Round table : Back on the brief and site with port technicians, Agam, city, sociologistes. Tutors are welcome
Thursday 12/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
Réalisation de courbes de niveaux maquette de site collective.
AMPHI.PUGET 20h : Round table “other public transportation mode" - B.Queysanne. Tutors are welcome
Friday 13/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
Pedagogical statement : Each team present it's design and objectives. Tutors are welcome
Pedagogical statement : Each team present it's design and objectives. Tutors are welcome
Samedi 14/01/2012 8h30 - 18h
ENSA-M is opened
ENSA-M is opened
Week 2 Finalizing Design and presentation
Monday 16/01/2012 0 - 24h
Team work
Team work
Thusday 17/01/2012 0 à 24h
Team work
Team work
Wednesday 18/01/2012 0 - 24h
Team work
Collective meal : 20h raclette - bring your cooking equipment, ENSA-M provides food.
Thursday 19/01/2012 0 - 19h
Team work
19h - 21h : Project's Models and CD-ROM are given to staff. Students signature. Obligatory
Friday 20/01/2012 9 - 20h
9h à 18h Jury AMPHI.PUGET: Public presentation of projects. Tutors requiered Random passage.
13h à 14h - Meal with tutors and invited persons.
Public presentation Tutors requiered 18h - Student vote 19h - Tutor advice 19h30 - Student and tutors peize announcement Drink for frienship
Week 2 Reflexion : personal position and personal architectural design
Monday 23/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 24/01/2012
10h - Le Corbusier visit - meeting :Cité radieuse entrance
14h - Euromediterrannée visit - meeting : Docks - Joliette entrance
Wednesday 25/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Thursday 26/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Friday 27/01/2012
10h- Château d'If visit (by your own)
14h - Frioul iland - Maritime + Hôpital Caroline works sites visits.
Week 4 Personal design development
Monday 30/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 31/01/2012 9h-18h
Atelier - Lecture
Wednesday 01/02/2012
9h - 12h MUCEM work site visit
personal work
Thursday 02/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Friday 03/02/2012
personal work
14h - 19hSchool of lanscape architecture jury (optional)
Week 5 Design Finalization
Monday 06/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 07/02/2012 9h-18h
Atelier - Lecture
Wednesday 08/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thursday 09/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Friday 10/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Week 6 Finalisation et jury
Monday 13/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 14/02/2012 9h-18h
Atelier - lecture
Wednesday 15/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thursday 16/02/2012
20h - common meal provided by ENSA-M
>>>Class-01: 10.01.-20.02.2011 Workshop 2 at Tallinn [TLL]
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2012-02-16_WS2 Final- Marseille_Class-02 |
Class-02: 05.01.2012-16.02.2012 Workshop 2 at Marseille [MRS]
ASG Workshop 2 at ENSA-Marseille - 2012Room 30
Architecture of mobility
Urban strategies : mobility and infrastructure, architecture, landscape, engineering, sustainable urban design, integrated design.Mobility of car, train, bus, bicycle, pedestrian, needs infrastructures. But they are usualy designed from economical and technical points of view. This restriction makes violent injuries in towns and countryside since one century. How to concern urban designers, architects and landscape architects to design infrastructures as cultural components of our living space?
We are going to work on the northern territory of Marseille called les Riaux, close to l'Estaque, north of Marseille. On the hills, the situation is amazing: protected from the wind (Mistral), facing south there is a tremendous scenic view on Marseille. Estaque village is still there, as painted by Cezanne. The industrial port as well, owning a large vacant wharf in between road and sea. Vacant because heavy industry passed out, making free large polluted areas on the hills and under the sea. Moreover, the place is under the airport’s noise protection zone. According to these constraints, it is not possible to build permanent housing. Only offices, activities, cultural buildings, research lab ... are allowed.
The city of Marseille designed a brief for urban design, focused on such activities dedicated to sea. A group of student (Master2) had provided a diagnosis on the brief and on the site. Then, these students proposed urban scenarios for development. All this material will be the basis of an intensive urban design workshop during two weeks (weeks 1 and 2). This workshop will be a collective work, developed by mixed teams between you, Reisuni students, and ENSA-M's Master1 students. During the workshop, site visit, conferences by specialists and lectures. The teams’ tutors will be practitioners from the area of Marseille are planned.
After this workshop, you will have a week for thinking (week 3), writing and sketching by yourself about the railway station created within the urban project of your own team. That will be the aim of your personal project to be designed up to the ends of the six weeks period. A A4 booklet and one A0 panel will be required to present the design of the railway station.
Five ENSA-M professors will tutor you. During all the period, you will have different visits on historical and contemporary Marseille, on interesting working sites and on architectural offices. Evaluation: average done between two marks: collective urban design (40%); personal architectural design (60%).
Place >>>at Wikimapia
Physical modelling,Library,
Copy and printing,
Alexandre ChapuisStéphane Hanrot
Remy Marciano
Raphaelle Segond
Pascal Urbain
Planning from 2012 january 5th to february 16 th
Week 0,5 Wellcome and visits
Thursday 05/01/2012 9h - 18h
9h-Wellcome room 30, Visit of the school, 11h30 administrative Informations
12h30 - meal with the Dean and tutors
14h - Curriculum presentation 15h - 17h Tutors conferences - professionals and pedagogical production - 20 mnts each : -Pascal Urbain -Raphaelle Segond -Remy Marciano -Alexandre Chapuis -Stéphane Hanrot 17h - 18h - discussion
Friday 06/01/2012 Organising room 30.
14h-19h S.Hanrot : Visit of the center of Marseille. Appointment - metro station : Vieux port.
WORKSHOP S7 - Portes urbaines du port n°3- ENSA-Marseille / GPMM - 2012
Week 1 Site and bief discovering - Design orientations
Monday 9/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
9h - PRESENTATION AMPHI.PUGET 9h - 9h15 - Workshop opening - M. Riche 9h15 - 10h -Brief - S.Hanrot 10h - 10h45 - “the Port GPMM“- R. Vinson 11h - 12h - “Diagnostic and perspective“ - AMO students 12 - 12h15 - Practical informations - N. Fornari 12h15 - 12h30 Student teams and tutors presentation and matching
12h30 - 14h Tutors meal at school : pedagogical frame.
14h - R. Borruey "Une histoire du port".
15h30 - First meeting with Tutors / reading the brief / site visit preparation
17h - 18h30 - Square Tables by S9-Students
20h - 22h amphi Puget : Round Table "Seen from outside" J.Einechen + The Reiseuni Experience - Pierre Broca, Marie Tillet, Benoit Pastel
Thusday 10/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
Site visit by bus (exclusively because entering the port)
9h - Start from'ENSA-M - Visit of the EASTbasin, meeting with port ingeniers and technicians. Tutors are wellcome
Personnal pic-nic to be prepared
Following the site visit 18 h - Stops in town and back to ENSA-M
Wednesday 11/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
11h - 12h30 Square tables2 by S9-Students
AMPHI.PUGET 20h : Round table : Back on the brief and site with port technicians, Agam, city, sociologistes. Tutors are welcome
Thursday 12/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
Réalisation de courbes de niveaux maquette de site collective.
AMPHI.PUGET 20h : Round table “other public transportation mode" - B.Queysanne. Tutors are welcome
Friday 13/01/2012 8h30 - 24h
Pedagogical statement : Each team present it's design and objectives. Tutors are welcome
Pedagogical statement : Each team present it's design and objectives. Tutors are welcome
Samedi 14/01/2012 8h30 - 18h
ENSA-M is opened
ENSA-M is opened
Week 2 Finalizing Design and presentation
Monday 16/01/2012 0 - 24h
Team work
Team work
Thusday 17/01/2012 0 à 24h
Team work
Team work
Wednesday 18/01/2012 0 - 24h
Team work
Collective meal : 20h raclette - bring your cooking equipment, ENSA-M provides food.
Thursday 19/01/2012 0 - 19h
Team work
19h - 21h : Project's Models and CD-ROM are given to staff. Students signature. Obligatory
Friday 20/01/2012 9 - 20h
9h à 18h Jury AMPHI.PUGET: Public presentation of projects. Tutors requiered Random passage.
13h à 14h - Meal with tutors and invited persons.
Public presentation Tutors requiered 18h - Student vote 19h - Tutor advice 19h30 - Student and tutors peize announcement Drink for frienship
Week 2 Reflexion : personal position and personal architectural design
Monday 23/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 24/01/2012
10h - Le Corbusier visit - meeting :Cité radieuse entrance
14h - Euromediterrannée visit - meeting : Docks - Joliette entrance
Wednesday 25/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Thursday 26/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Friday 27/01/2012
10h- Château d'If visit (by your own)
14h - Frioul iland - Maritime + Hôpital Caroline works sites visits.
Week 4 Personal design development
Monday 30/01/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 31/01/2012 9h-18h
Atelier - Lecture
Wednesday 01/02/2012
9h - 12h MUCEM work site visit
personal work
Thursday 02/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Friday 03/02/2012
personal work
14h - 19hSchool of lanscape architecture jury (optional)
Week 5 Design Finalization
Monday 06/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 07/02/2012 9h-18h
Atelier - Lecture
Wednesday 08/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thursday 09/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Friday 10/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Week 6 Finalisation et jury
Monday 13/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thusday 14/02/2012 9h-18h
Atelier - lecture
Wednesday 15/02/2012
personal work
personal work
Thursday 16/02/2012
20h - common meal provided by ENSA-M
[Programme: Prof. Dr. Stéphane Hanrot]