Dessau [C4,C3] BER [C1]
>>>Reiseuni Report | Making of [Vol:IV Making of • Cycle-03]
>>>Reiseuni Report | Making of [Vol:III Workshop Cluster • Berlin]
Spatial Strategies – Workshops in chronological order:
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12.05.-19.05.2018 Workshop Dessau – Haifa
„Bauhaus Open Studios – Teaching Models“ – a project of Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in Cooperation with NB Haifa School of Design, Department of Architecture & Reiseuni_lab.
In the workshop trilogy "Pioneers of the Modern", the Berlin-based architect Dagmar Jäger has been working with colleagues from Reiseuni_lab and architecture students from Europe, Canada, Israel and Iran since 2016 to investigate design approaches for an exhibition promenade in the public realm of Dessau. The aim of the design work was to link the Bauhaus Foundation, the new museum and the no longer visible sites of the Bauhäusler’s legacies through a network of designed paths and also to formulate site-specific curatorial themes. This year, the third cooperation has been realized with 14 Israeli students and the architects Lenka Cederbaum and Eyal Malka of the NB Haifa School of Design.
The subtitles of the workshop series – re-imported, revealed, transplanted – each contain different working hypotheses and experimental design strategies that were dialogically enriched by the annual themes of the Bauhaus – movement, substance, standard – in order to develop the aesthetic, political and pedagogical design work from three perspectives, building on one another.
In the first year, movement studies between the Kornhaus and settlement Dessau-Törten serve to analyse and develop the network of paths for the exhibition in order to 're-import' the Bauhäusler visually into the public realm. In 2017, the students designed pop-up concepts for 'revealing' the Bauhaus artists' stories on individual sections of the pathway in order to narrate the updated substance of the Bauhaus today. And this year, aesthetic messages - architectural designs by the Bauhäusler from Israel – were 'transplanted' virtually via photocollages into central urban situations located on the exhibition network in order to continue the Bauhaus' prototypical setting of standards.
In the run-up to this workshop, students from Haifa researched buildings of the modern era designed by former Bauhaus students in Israel such as Arieh Sharon, Shmuel Mestechkin or Munio Weinraub from the 1920s onwards. The opening lecture of Dagmar Jäger “Urbex Haifa” reflected the co-existence of nature and culture in the grown living environment of Hadar Ha Carmel today. During the workshop, suitable urban perspectives within the network of paths in Dessau have been identified, to be visually overlaid with Israel's vivid, non-musealized Bauhaus legacy in order to critically question the today’s quality of urban living areas and architectural positions, as they became exemplarily conventionalized in German small towns like Dessau, including architecture representations of the Nazi time after 1933, the car friendly urban concepts after 1945 and the investor-oriented building activities after the fall of the wall.
>>>Bauhaus-Promenade: Reading
>>>Workshop-Bauhaus: At work
>>>Workshop-Bauhaus: Final results
Since 2016, two parts of a workshop trilogy about the “Pioneers of Modernism” has taken place in Dessau to trace the historical, partly destroyed representations and and pioneering concepts related to the Bauhaus period in Dessau from 1925 -1932.
The first results, a public space network, has been connecting multifaceted urban situations as an exhibition pathway to reveal in-situ spaces of modern architecture, designs, performances and concepts of the Bauhaus era in Dessau between the Bauhaus Foundation, the former industrial area of Dessau, the Kornhaus and the new Museum – modern heritage which had been destroyed, neglected or re-habilitated.
The three Workshop titles talk about three working hypotheses: “Pioneers of the Modern: Re-imported”, “Pioneers of the Modern: Revealed”, and now “Pioneers of the Modern: Transplanted” – implicating as well three artistic design strategies which have served to actualize the modern heritage through the prescribed approaches of first re-importing the Masters and Bauhäusler, of second revealing the described traces in city texture of Dessau and of third transplanting the ‘migrated design positions’ of Haifa.
The first design concept of an urban network and exhibition approach resulted in ‘pop up installations’ of the ‘Bauhaus Masters’ or ‘the Bauhäusler’ in different sites of Dessau to display concepts and memories of personalities within a public space pathway (like the concept of Elena Ursone who proposed to listen the Bauhäusler’s voices, frames located between the station and the Bauhaus foundation, the WS 2016). Further the revealing of the hidden heritage – like former Bauhaus activities or realized buildings and settlements which have been destroyed through the Nazi period or later neglected, has been focused in the second workshop (e.g. visible in the ‘industrial promenade’ of Joachim Dietz, 2017).
Now we will ‘transplant’ the modern spirit of Haifa after the Bauhaus era back to Dessau’s city through visual manifests which will intertwine and transform the modern heritage of Haifa to selected sites of Dessau.
With our workshop contribution, we will postulate the term ‚standard‘ as an opportunity to question the ‚quality' of the modern architecture laboratory as a programmatic horizon defining a ‘standard’. The position of a socially responsible, contemporary design which was lived by the ‘Bauhäusler’, today has to deal with existing contexts of conflicting urban layers which could be further developed through architectural concepts, programs and visions. The potential of perceiving, adopting and advancing historic design contributions within a dynamic process of learning over generations and across borders and political periods might be the consequence of an activated knowledge migration.
The selected buildings should represent the modern spirit for the new society in functionality, social ambition, formal language, pioneering in construction or typology etc.
The typologies can range from living, residence, culture, health, education, kibbutzim etc. and should not necessarily be rehabilitated but could also be transformed, neglected or adopted by the residents in their own understanding of today.
Documentation: In the next step, document your choice of at least 3 of his/her buildings and/or concepts. Take photos and sketches of many views and in different scales / take multiple perspectives and collect historical material of plans, sketches, photographs, programmatic and constructive information, the way of daily use.
The result of this first period shall be displayed at the beginning of the workshop in Dessau on Monday. Format: A3 format, horizontal, left full-size square for pictures 29,7x29,7, rest for text incl. data of building/architect. If wished, the project should take place as team work of two.
At Bauhaus studios, you will be introduced into the exhibition pathway. Some selected sites between the new museum, the Bauhaus foundation, Kornhaus and the industrial area will be focused so that you are invited to partly re-design some specific situations. You will have to find out and define ‘improvable’ urban sites within the spatial selection which you will further develop by the artistic strategy of ‘transplantation’ of the selected, ‘migrated’ and implemented architecture of Haifa. By adopting the historical design (through transforming like copy-paste, stretching, cutting, multiplying, mixing new the design as a design material etc.…), you will design and visualize an alternative version of modern living and urbanity as an optional re-interpretation.
The design can be created by any ‘tool mix’ between photomontage, collage or photorealistic representation, showing your intention and alternative concept for the site and urban context including the transferred and adopted buildings of modern heritage, what you have brought from Israel, with a couple of ‘key pictures’.
The aim of the workshop for all participants - professors and students -, is to learn about knowledge migration, architecture biographies and design intentions of pioneers, but also to discuss the contradicting history of Germany and Europe and how to creatively trace this in an public realm exhibition of a city today. Since the fall of the wall, Dessau is losing inhabitants, having to suffer un-employment and partly social decrease, but inhabits on the other hand a rich and rehabilitated modern heritage, a Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) and the dynamic Bauhaus activities attracting each year more than a million of international culture tourists, opening a new museum in 2019 at the city’s main square.
10.04.2018 at 16.30
Workshop Introduction with Dagmar Jäger, via Skype
Arrival Haifa-Berlin
Individual visit of Berlin. See list of recommended places
Morning: 10.00-14.00 Individual Berlin Walks
Afternoon: 15.00-19.00 ArchitecTours Berlin with Dagmar Jäger, Prenzlauer Berg. Meeting point will be announced in time via e-mail
Morning: Trip to Dessau from Berlin Alexanderplatz (11.07-12.54)
Bauhaus Prellerhaus: Check in (keys available at the Bauhaus Club)
15.00 ArchitecTour Dessau with Bauhaus guide (meeting point: visitor center)
Morning: Check in studio. Preparation of presentation
14.00 Welcome Dr. Regina Bittner, Director of Bauhaus Academy
14.15 Presentation of students’ architectural material with professors and guests (Format: A3 horizontal)
17.00 Introduction into the exhibition pathway and selected sites
9.00 to 13.00: Daily individual walks including documentation (photos, sketches) of the sites in detail
14.00 – 15.00 Lectures of Huskamp + Kremer (Tuesday), Jäger (Thursday)
15.00- 19.00 Studio work on design, visual and site concepts, with feedback
13.00 – 16.00 Studio presentation with professors and guest critics
Results: Collages / Photomontages / Photorealistic representations (Format: A1 horizontal)
Ca. 17.30 together back to Berlin, Dessau station-Berlin Alexanderplatz (17.05-18.52)
15.00 ArchitecTours in Berlin Mitte with Dagmar Jäger; meeting point will be announced in time
Departure Berlin to Haifa
Ines Sonder: Carmel. The International Style in Haifa. 2015
Claudia Perren (Ed.): Die Dessauer Bauhausbauten. Bauhaus Taschenbuch 16
Andreas Butter: Die unsichtbare Bauhausstadt. Eine Spurensuche in Dessau. Bauhaus Taschenbuch 9 [Fig. 07]
Texts by Dagmar Jäger in the Reiseuni Report:
1) V:II_3. Hermeneutic Strategies of Design Research – Critical Inquiry, Visualisation and Reflection
2) V:III_11. Workshop Cluster • Design Reflection | V:III_11.1 [DR] Design Research: Practice of Aesthetic Reflection. Key Terms
3) V:IV Exemplary Documentation and Analysis of one Workshop-Cycle [Class-03 | 2015-2016] / V:IV_07. WS_06 Spatial Strategies: Perceiving Moving
Literature available at Bauhaus Library: 10:00 to 15:00
About the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau (1925-32):
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19.04.-04.05.2017 WS06 [C4] Workshop at Dessau [Bauhaus]
>>>Workshop Reflection – 5 Questions 2016, 2017
The international, postgraduate students of the Reiseuni_lab [Class-04, 2016-2018] arrive from Haifa, NB School of Architecture and Design (workshop 5) to Bauhaus Dessau (Workshop 6) to investigate spatial, urban concepts in the context of the visible and intangible modern heritage of Dessau.
The tracing of the historical, partly destroyed representations and related sites of the Bauhaus period until 1933 will be connected in a “Public Space Exhibition” to bridge the modern architecture, historical designs, performances and concepts of the Bauhaus interventions to the new buildings like the Museum 2019, activities of the city and the contemporary artistic projects of the Bauhaus foundation nowadays. During two weeks, the international group of students will deepen a concept what has been developed of the international Reiseuni_Class-03, 2016: An urban network of interventions for knowledge transfer revealing the modern heritage in Dessau.
“With its annual theme Substance, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation focuses on the dialogue between substance and design: on the substance of ideas, on substance as topic and material, on substantial forms, on the preservation of substance and on the substance of the Bauhaus as an institution.” (Dr. Claudia Perren, Bauhaus Programme 2017).
The six pathway concepts – Theatre, Massproduction, Industries, Design stages, Masters and Bauhäusler – create the basis for an exhibition proposal. The concept finding will take place in dialogue with material approaches of the Bauhäusler during the Dessau period of the 20th. The investigation of the modern traces leads to heterogeneous and trans medial proposals of knowledge transfer in the public realm – a network of exhibition pathways as a public space choreography. The results will be presented and finally discussed with the team of the foundation and international guests.
“Perception is directed towards meaning. Attributions of meaning refer back to already learned processes of identification and socially accepted categories. Interpretive perceptions of design contexts simultaneously represent an engagement with and actualization of existing historical and contemporary patterns of meaning.” [D. Jäger, Reiseuni Report Vol:II.3.3 Associative Reading of Traces and Reflective Accumulation of Knowledge]
09:30: Studio table set up - room 2.30 (Key: Mrs. Mittmann, Mrs. Schmidt) 11.30: Introduction Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger; Tracing as strategy of narration & knowledge genesis 13:00: Welcome and Intro to the Bauhaus: Lilo Viehweg 14:00 Round Table with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger 16:00-17:00: Exhibition Tour “Crafts becomes modern. The Bauhaus in the making”. Curator Dr. Regina Bittner, Dr. Katja Szymczak 17:00-xx: Studio Work
Thu 20.04.2017
09:30-12.00: ArchitecTour Bauhaus, Meisterhäuser: Site Visit of modern built heritage of Dessau with Expert Guide (Coordinator Visitors: Mrs. Prag) 13:00-16:00: Coordination of Concepts, Dr. Claudia Perren (14:00) & Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger 16:30-xx: Studio Work
Fri 21.04.2017
Morning: Studio work. Individual work on concepts of mapping 14:30: ArchitecTour II: Pathways & Törten, on-site exploration of mapping (evtl. with bicycles)
Sat 22.04.2017
14:00-18:00: Berlin ArchitecTour about public exhibitions, with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger (Meeting Pfefferberg, Architecture Gallery Aedes)
9:00-11:30: Studio work 11:30: Lecture: Dr. Werner Möller, AG Bauhaus Bauten, Bauhaus Stadt 13:30-xx: Feedback with Dr. Werner Möller and Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger
Tue 25.04.2017
9:00: Studio work 10:00-11:00 Feedback with Dr. Claudia Perren 13:00-xx: Studio work
Wed 26.04.2017
9:00: Studio work. 10:30-11:00: Introduction of the library with Mrs. Kolleck 15:15: Feedback with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger and Lilo Viehweg
Thu 27.04.2017
9:00: Studio work 13:30: Feedback with Prof. Rainer W. Ernst (to confirm) & Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger xx: Bauhaus foundation, Archive, Dr. Ziegler; meetings on request only
Fri 28.04.2017
09:30-12:30 Feedback with Dr. Claudia Perren 13:00-xx: Studio work
Sat 29.04.2017
14:00-18:00: Berlin ArchitecTour and visit of important architecture exhibitions, with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger (Meeting Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin)
9:00: Studio work. 13:30: Feedback with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger and Dr. Regina Bittner
Wed 03.05.2017
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites 14:15: Feedback with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger
Thu 04.05.2017
09:00: Studio work and preparation of final exhibition.
16:30-20:00: Final Presentation
Students & Dr. Claudia Perren, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger, with Bauhaus foundation experts and international guest lecturers Prof. Dr. Katrin Paadam (Tallinn), Prof. Pentti Karoja (Helsinki). Room: Will be announced.
Literature available at Bauhaus (Library from 10:00 to 15:00)
[Programme: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dagmar Jäger, 13. April 2017]
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2016-04-18 WS06 [C3] Dessau, Germany
Cooperation of Bauhaus Foundation, Berlin University of the Arts / HZT, Tallinn University of Technology
“Traditionally, movement means change, emergence and progress. 2016, the annual programme of the Bauhaus foundation focus on the phenomenon “Movement at Bauhaus”, starting from the historical position towards the contemporary and future relevance.” (Dr. Claudia Perren, Bauhaus Programm 2016).
The international, postgraduate students of the Reiseuni_lab arrive from Israel to Dessau to investigate spatial, urban concepts of “Vision (perceiving, learning) in Motion” during two weeks.
The workshop aim is the conceptualization of an “urban & spatial network of interventions for knowledge transfer” with 3 main gaols: First, to trace the historical biographies of the existing representations and related sites of the Bauhaus period until 1933 in a contextual typology of a “public realm exhibition”; second, to connect the historical ‘network’ with the new buildings and artistic projects related to the Bauhaus like the Museum 2019, and third, to relate the pioneer buildings of the historical period with the international impact of the modern movement, spatial positions and reform concepts in architecture and workshop experiment.
Individual investigations and perceptions create the basis for development of a network proposal as a team during the first week. The investigation of six selected sites within the spatial network leads to heterogeneous and trans medial proposals of knowledge transfer in the public realm – an exhibition pathway as a public space choreography, with multiple interventions. The results will be presented and finally discussed with local stakeholders of the city & the foundation.
Genius Loci: Town, movement, building contexts
Important architects and international reference projects related to the Bauhaus period
Hermeneutic Strategies: Tracing as concept of urban knowledge transfer
[2] Collage-Relief including story board; strategy: Mapping, sketches, tracing, photographs
[3] “Workshop in the workshop” - spatial qualities of 6 selected sites, with Rhys Martin
[4] 3D Concepts for six sites. Resulting in individual working mock-ups
Sunday 17.04.2016
14:00-17:00: Berlin ArchitecTour with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger + Prof. Rhys Martin (Meeting Pfefferberg, Architecture Gallery Aedes)
Mo 18.04.2016
10:00: Welcome and Intro to the Bauhaus: Dr. Claudia Perren (CP)
10:30: Input Lecture: Dr. Werner Möller, Bauhaus buildings in Dessau and architectural similarities in Tel Aviv and Rotterdam
12.15: Introduction Workshop “Perceiving-Moving: Pioneers re-imported”: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger (DJ)
14:30: Input Lecture: Prof. Brigitte Hartwig, Movements and interventions in the city of Dessau
16:00: ArchitecTour I (Bauhaus, Meisterhäuser, Kornhaus): Site Visit of modern built heritage of Dessau with DJ, CP, Expert Guide Frank Tinius
Tu 19.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Concept of Mapping
14:30: ArchitecTour II (Dessau Süd): Site Visit (with bicycles) of modern built heritage of Dessau with DJ and N.N.
18:00: Input Lecture: Torsten Blume, Bauhaus Stage and Experiments in movement
We 20.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Concept of Mapping
11:00: Prof. Brigitte Hartwig invites all students to the Event: Vor Ort Bewegt sich was
14:30: Guest Input Lecture: Dr. Phil. Marvin Altner, Kurator Berlin, Kassel
16:00: Feed back studio with Marvin Altner + DJ
Thu 21.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Mapping Work Out
14:30: Lecture of Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger: Tracing as strategy of narration & knowledge genesis
16:00: Feed back studio with Dr. Werner Möller (to confirm) + DJ
Fri 22.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Mapping Work Out
17:00: Presentation of ‘Mapping’ with CP + DJ + N.N.
Sat 23.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Selection of 6 specific sites
14:15: Intervention with Prof. Rhys Martin: “Six spaces of the narration”
Sun 24.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Spatial perception/qualities of specific sites
14:15: Intervention with Prof. Rhys Martin: “Six spaces of the narration”
17:00 Inbetween-Presentation of Results with all Professors and Guests
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites
14:30: ArchitecTour III: “Brain storming tour” with bicycles along the pathway with CP + DJ + N.N.
17:00: Concluding Studio Work with the Professors
Tue 26.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites (individual work)
Wed 27.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites
15:00: Guest Input Lecture: Prof. Rainer W. Ernst: Spatial Strategies
16:30: Feed back studio with Rainer W. Ernst + DJ, CP
Thu 28.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Work out of concept of specific sites (individual work)
16:00: Feed back studio work with Esa Laaksonen + DJ
Fri 29.04.2016
10.30-13:30: Final Presentation
All Participants discuss the results with the professors (CP + DJ + RM), the Bauhaus guest Lecturers & Esa Laaksonen, and expert guests of Dessau & abroad; place and exhibition: Will be announced.
Literature available at Bauhaus (Library from 10:00 to 15:00)
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‚Beschriebene Räume‘
"Described Spaces"
In literature, there is an infinite number of examples of descriptions of rooms, locations, places, in short descriptions of "space". They are seldom described analytically, but almost always atmospherically.
For example, the texts of a story contain concrete statements about the house, the loft or attic room, the stairs, the windows, the beams etc., which produce conceptional images. By translating or transferring such textual descriptions into architecture, into “space”, primarily no aesthetic context is followed. Means are sought in order to create spatial effect; patterns are combined; an event structure is developed via which a verification of the story may be expected.
Assignment of Tasks
1st Task
In a fictional or lyrical work, find a text passage in which spatial situations/ rooms are described.
Analyse the text as follows:
Is the description written in such a way as to perceive a space/room in its entirety? Are only parts of the space/room described? Does the description allow conclusions to be drawn about the whole space/room (size, proportion, atmosphere)? Is the space/room geometrically defined (length, width, height) or is a tension or atmosphere created? In which situation does the protagonist find him-/herself? Is the characterisation of the protagonist’s situation supported by the spatial description? (Is e.g. the fear of the protagonist supported by spatial situations which create fear?)
2nd Task
Present the essence of your analysis as a drawing or sketch (draw only that which the text can express - even if the sketch must remain fragmented). Interpret your translation of the text passage in a few words.
3rd Task
Now sketch the room/spatial representation which was formed in your imagination while reading the text. In a few words, try to name the associations and/or your intentions . See yourself as a stage designer or scenographer/set designer in a film team which design scenes. This concerns the correlation/relationship between an idea and its translation to a spatial situation. The text passage you have chosen is virtually the assignment for the design of the space/room.
The Objective
4th Task
Create and design this space/room. The following forms of interpretation are available:
Distributed: 11 June 2012
Deadline: 13. July 2012
Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel
Prof. Michael Breda (Vice-President)
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fromm
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Workshop and project announcement
m3 - Architecture meets Sound, Body & Moving Image
Project leaders
Prof. Rhys Martin (Choreography & Dance)
Prof. Daniel Ott (Music & Composition)
Prof. Anna Anders (Moving Image)
WM Stephanie Schwarz (Dramatics, Coordination)
Project description
Students from the Berlin University of the Arts and from the international postgraduate study program Architektur.Studium.Generale (ASG) based at the Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus will engage in an exploratory investigation of the relationship between body, sound, moving image and space. Through artistic demographic research urban interventions will be developed in the Berlin district Wedding.
In January 2 till 6, 2012, the program commences with a weeklong tuning workshop. Participants will be daily divided into alternating teams through which they will be invited to respond to tasks and exercises drawn from dance, sound and moving image in order to investigate innovative transdisciplinary approaches to notions of architectural space.
The workshop takes place in the context of the UDK transdisciplinary project week Kollisionen under the direction of the department of Design. Results of all workshops will be shown in a university based open presentation on Friday January 6, 2012.
The m3 project will continue until February with production teams identified in the workshop and who will conceive, develop and implement a joint collaborative project over the following month.
During this phase, individual teams will be allotted to each of the three project leaders, who, in weekly meetings, will discuss and offer advice on questions of content and project development.
Individual mentoring will be possible on request. Participants will be able consult up to two of the project leaders.
Completed projects will be presented discussed and evaluated in the sixth calendar week.
Starting point:
January 2nd, 2012 11am. at Uferstudio 14, Uferstraße 23, 13357 Berlin
(U8 Pankstraße / U9 Nauener Platz / S-Bahn Gesundbrunnen)
Please bring with you comfortable clothes and warm socks or trainers!
Student accommodation
at Studentendorf Schlachtensee/Berlin by Fehling + Gogel
>>>Reiseuni Report | Making of [Vol:III Workshop Cluster • Berlin]
Spatial Strategies – Workshops in chronological order:
- WS-2018 Bauhaus-Dessau - Haifa: 'Pioneers of the Modern: Transplanted'
- WS-2017 Class-04 at Bauhaus-Dessau: 'Pioneers of the Modern: Revealed'
- WS-2016 Class-03 at Bauhaus-Dessau: 'Pioneers of the Modern: Re-Imported'
- WS5 Class-02 at Kiel
- WS8 Class-01 at Berlin
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Spatial Strategies: 'Pioneers of the Modern: Transplanted'
From Haifa to Dessau. Workshop Trilogy, Part 3, at Bauhaus Dessau„Bauhaus Open Studios – Teaching Models“ – a project of Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in Cooperation with NB Haifa School of Design, Department of Architecture & Reiseuni_lab.
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>>>Results of the workshop, May 2018 Photocollage: student work of Jasmeen Zoabi |
In the workshop trilogy "Pioneers of the Modern", the Berlin-based architect Dagmar Jäger has been working with colleagues from Reiseuni_lab and architecture students from Europe, Canada, Israel and Iran since 2016 to investigate design approaches for an exhibition promenade in the public realm of Dessau. The aim of the design work was to link the Bauhaus Foundation, the new museum and the no longer visible sites of the Bauhäusler’s legacies through a network of designed paths and also to formulate site-specific curatorial themes. This year, the third cooperation has been realized with 14 Israeli students and the architects Lenka Cederbaum and Eyal Malka of the NB Haifa School of Design.
The subtitles of the workshop series – re-imported, revealed, transplanted – each contain different working hypotheses and experimental design strategies that were dialogically enriched by the annual themes of the Bauhaus – movement, substance, standard – in order to develop the aesthetic, political and pedagogical design work from three perspectives, building on one another.
In the first year, movement studies between the Kornhaus and settlement Dessau-Törten serve to analyse and develop the network of paths for the exhibition in order to 're-import' the Bauhäusler visually into the public realm. In 2017, the students designed pop-up concepts for 'revealing' the Bauhaus artists' stories on individual sections of the pathway in order to narrate the updated substance of the Bauhaus today. And this year, aesthetic messages - architectural designs by the Bauhäusler from Israel – were 'transplanted' virtually via photocollages into central urban situations located on the exhibition network in order to continue the Bauhaus' prototypical setting of standards.
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>>>Results of the workshop, May 2018 Photocollage: student work of Shir Moshe |
(Dagmar Jäger, 2018-06-18)
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>>>WS-Bauhaus: At work |
Photo galleries:
>>>Urbex Haifa>>>Bauhaus-Promenade: Reading
>>>Workshop-Bauhaus: At work
>>>Workshop-Bauhaus: Final results
Programme of the workshop. Task + Schedule
„In 2018 the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation will be committed to the question of standards. In doing so we aim to move beyond the historic standards developed at the Bauhaus to take up contemporary debates concerning, for instance, the man-made environment. Behind the scenes, this is about something as fundamental as the idea we have of ourselves: For whom or what are our standards meant? How do we discuss this? Does the term ‘standard’ need to be re-defined?“
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[Fig. 01] Workshop May 2017_Foto Bauhaus Foundation |
The first results, a public space network, has been connecting multifaceted urban situations as an exhibition pathway to reveal in-situ spaces of modern architecture, designs, performances and concepts of the Bauhaus era in Dessau between the Bauhaus Foundation, the former industrial area of Dessau, the Kornhaus and the new Museum – modern heritage which had been destroyed, neglected or re-habilitated.
The three Workshop titles talk about three working hypotheses: “Pioneers of the Modern: Re-imported”, “Pioneers of the Modern: Revealed”, and now “Pioneers of the Modern: Transplanted” – implicating as well three artistic design strategies which have served to actualize the modern heritage through the prescribed approaches of first re-importing the Masters and Bauhäusler, of second revealing the described traces in city texture of Dessau and of third transplanting the ‘migrated design positions’ of Haifa.
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[Fig. 02] WS Spatial Strategies 2016 (Anil Sagir) >>>Photo gallery: Bauhaus-Promenade |
Now we will ‘transplant’ the modern spirit of Haifa after the Bauhaus era back to Dessau’s city through visual manifests which will intertwine and transform the modern heritage of Haifa to selected sites of Dessau.
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[Fig. 03] WS Spatial Strategies 2016 (Anil Sagir) |
With our workshop contribution, we will postulate the term ‚standard‘ as an opportunity to question the ‚quality' of the modern architecture laboratory as a programmatic horizon defining a ‘standard’. The position of a socially responsible, contemporary design which was lived by the ‘Bauhäusler’, today has to deal with existing contexts of conflicting urban layers which could be further developed through architectural concepts, programs and visions. The potential of perceiving, adopting and advancing historic design contributions within a dynamic process of learning over generations and across borders and political periods might be the consequence of an activated knowledge migration.
Task 1 – Research Period in Haifa
Research: First, find out an Israeli architect – who had spent some time at Bauhaus Dessau / Weimar / Berlin or who had any biographical link to one of the Bauhaus alumni or teachers as studio staff member, partner or cooperator somewhere in the world or where you find another convincing link as influence for the design – and who realized some modern heritage buildings in Israel.The selected buildings should represent the modern spirit for the new society in functionality, social ambition, formal language, pioneering in construction or typology etc.
The typologies can range from living, residence, culture, health, education, kibbutzim etc. and should not necessarily be rehabilitated but could also be transformed, neglected or adopted by the residents in their own understanding of today.
Documentation: In the next step, document your choice of at least 3 of his/her buildings and/or concepts. Take photos and sketches of many views and in different scales / take multiple perspectives and collect historical material of plans, sketches, photographs, programmatic and constructive information, the way of daily use.
The result of this first period shall be displayed at the beginning of the workshop in Dessau on Monday. Format: A3 format, horizontal, left full-size square for pictures 29,7x29,7, rest for text incl. data of building/architect. If wished, the project should take place as team work of two.
Task 2 – Design Period in Dessau
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[Fig. 04] Bauhaus-Haifa Collage, Christian Pieper, jp3 |
The design can be created by any ‘tool mix’ between photomontage, collage or photorealistic representation, showing your intention and alternative concept for the site and urban context including the transferred and adopted buildings of modern heritage, what you have brought from Israel, with a couple of ‘key pictures’.
Context and aim of the Workshop
The city of Dessau is one of the most contrasting smaller cities of modern built heritage in Germany, with a large landscape garden of the 18th century Dessau Wörlitzer Gartenreich, and at the same time widely destroyed during the second world war, rebuilt or neglected since then. During the time after 1932, the Bauhaus activities have not only been stalled, the built heritage abused or destroyed but also the responsible were pocketing pioneering industries towards war and murder activities (like the cyclone B production).![]() |
[Fig. 05] WS Spatial Strategies 2017 (Renata Boeri) |
[Dagmar Jäger, 2018-04-07]
Professor’s Team:
∙Lenka Cederbaum, Architect, Senior Lecturer, NB Haifa School of Design;
∙Dagmar Jäger, Dr.-Ing., Reiseuni_lab, jp3 architecture & design, Berlin;
∙Eyal Malka, Architect, Senior Lecturer, NB Haifa School of Design;
∙Claudia Perren, Dr.-Ing., Director + CEO, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation.
Guest lecturers:
∙Elisabeth Kremer, Research Associate;
∙Werner Möller, Dr., Research Associate, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation;
∙Florian Strob, Dr., Research Associate, Bauhaus Foundation.
Coordination Bauhaus Dessau Open Studio:
∙Katja Klaus, Bauhaus Academy.
Program and Workshop Concept:
∙Dagmar Jäger + Christian Pieper, Reiseuni_lab, Berlin.
“A standard is a specification according to which something is to be produced, implemented or applied. It lives from simplification and repetition. And it is these standards that shape our daily lives beyond industrial production: from the sciences to fundamental social agreements such as human rights. Bauhaus Program 2018).![]() |
[Fig. 06] WS Spatial Strategies 2012 (Kassem Eida) |
Workshop Introduction with Dagmar Jäger, via Skype
Arrival Haifa-Berlin
Individual visit of Berlin. See list of recommended places
Morning: 10.00-14.00 Individual Berlin Walks
Afternoon: 15.00-19.00 ArchitecTours Berlin with Dagmar Jäger, Prenzlauer Berg. Meeting point will be announced in time via e-mail
Morning: Trip to Dessau from Berlin Alexanderplatz (11.07-12.54)
Bauhaus Prellerhaus: Check in (keys available at the Bauhaus Club)
15.00 ArchitecTour Dessau with Bauhaus guide (meeting point: visitor center)
Morning: Check in studio. Preparation of presentation
14.00 Welcome Dr. Regina Bittner, Director of Bauhaus Academy
14.15 Presentation of students’ architectural material with professors and guests (Format: A3 horizontal)
17.00 Introduction into the exhibition pathway and selected sites
9.00 to 13.00: Daily individual walks including documentation (photos, sketches) of the sites in detail
14.00 – 15.00 Lectures of Huskamp + Kremer (Tuesday), Jäger (Thursday)
15.00- 19.00 Studio work on design, visual and site concepts, with feedback
13.00 – 16.00 Studio presentation with professors and guest critics
Results: Collages / Photomontages / Photorealistic representations (Format: A1 horizontal)
Ca. 17.30 together back to Berlin, Dessau station-Berlin Alexanderplatz (17.05-18.52)
15.00 ArchitecTours in Berlin Mitte with Dagmar Jäger; meeting point will be announced in time
Departure Berlin to Haifa
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[Fig. 07] Die unsichtbare Bauhausstadt. Bauhaus Taschenbuch 9 |
Myra Warhaftig: They laid the Foundation. 1996 (main source for the blog texts)Ines Sonder: Carmel. The International Style in Haifa. 2015
Claudia Perren (Ed.): Die Dessauer Bauhausbauten. Bauhaus Taschenbuch 16
Andreas Butter: Die unsichtbare Bauhausstadt. Eine Spurensuche in Dessau. Bauhaus Taschenbuch 9 [Fig. 07]
Texts by Dagmar Jäger in the Reiseuni Report:
1) V:II_3. Hermeneutic Strategies of Design Research – Critical Inquiry, Visualisation and Reflection
2) V:III_11. Workshop Cluster • Design Reflection | V:III_11.1 [DR] Design Research: Practice of Aesthetic Reflection. Key Terms
3) V:IV Exemplary Documentation and Analysis of one Workshop-Cycle [Class-03 | 2015-2016] / V:IV_07. WS_06 Spatial Strategies: Perceiving Moving
Literature available at Bauhaus Library: 10:00 to 15:00
About the Bauhaus buildings in Dessau (1925-32):
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Spatial Strategies: “Pioneers of the Modern: Revealed”
„Bauhaus Open Studios – Teaching Models“ – a project of Bauhaus Dessau Foundation in Cooperation with TTÜ Tallinn University of Technology & International / Master’s Programme of European Architecture [EAA0050] and in cooperation with University of Arts / HZT![]() |
[Fig.01] April 2016_Mattia Tempesta, Concept “Masters”, Class-03 |
Professor’s Team:
- Dr. Claudia Perren, Director / CEO, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
- Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger, TTÜ, Programme Director of European Architecture
Guest lecturers
- Dr. Werner Möller, Architect, Research Associate, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
- Lilo Viehweg, Curator, Project smart materials satellites, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
- Dr. Regina Bittner, Director of Bauhaus Academy (to confirm)
- Prof. Rainer W. Ernst, Architect, Berlin (to confirm)
- Prof. Rhys Martin, Choreographer (University of the Art, Berlin –HZT)
- Prof. Dr. Katrin Paadam, Sociologist, Tallinn University of Technology
- Prof. Pentti Kareoja, Architect, Professor of Spatial Strategies, Aalto University, Helsinki
Coordination support Bauhaus Dessau Foundation:
- Katja Klaus, Bauhaus Academy
>>>Workshop Reflection – 5 Questions 2016, 2017
Topic of the Workshop
The workshop “Spatial Strategies” aims to investigate selected artistic, urban and architectural topics with a local, but superordinate European relevance like transformation of modern heritage or industrial sites out of function. It is one of 11 workshops of each two-year cycle of the European Master’s programme at TTÜ with Reiseuni_lab, taking place once each year during two weeks. The workshops are conceptionalized as cumulative research practice. (DJ, General Workshop Outlines)The international, postgraduate students of the Reiseuni_lab [Class-04, 2016-2018] arrive from Haifa, NB School of Architecture and Design (workshop 5) to Bauhaus Dessau (Workshop 6) to investigate spatial, urban concepts in the context of the visible and intangible modern heritage of Dessau.
The tracing of the historical, partly destroyed representations and related sites of the Bauhaus period until 1933 will be connected in a “Public Space Exhibition” to bridge the modern architecture, historical designs, performances and concepts of the Bauhaus interventions to the new buildings like the Museum 2019, activities of the city and the contemporary artistic projects of the Bauhaus foundation nowadays. During two weeks, the international group of students will deepen a concept what has been developed of the international Reiseuni_Class-03, 2016: An urban network of interventions for knowledge transfer revealing the modern heritage in Dessau.
“With its annual theme Substance, the Bauhaus Dessau Foundation focuses on the dialogue between substance and design: on the substance of ideas, on substance as topic and material, on substantial forms, on the preservation of substance and on the substance of the Bauhaus as an institution.” (Dr. Claudia Perren, Bauhaus Programme 2017).
The six pathway concepts – Theatre, Massproduction, Industries, Design stages, Masters and Bauhäusler – create the basis for an exhibition proposal. The concept finding will take place in dialogue with material approaches of the Bauhäusler during the Dessau period of the 20th. The investigation of the modern traces leads to heterogeneous and trans medial proposals of knowledge transfer in the public realm – a network of exhibition pathways as a public space choreography. The results will be presented and finally discussed with the team of the foundation and international guests.
“Perception is directed towards meaning. Attributions of meaning refer back to already learned processes of identification and socially accepted categories. Interpretive perceptions of design contexts simultaneously represent an engagement with and actualization of existing historical and contemporary patterns of meaning.” [D. Jäger, Reiseuni Report Vol:II.3.3 Associative Reading of Traces and Reflective Accumulation of Knowledge]
4 Tasks
[1] Mapping and analysis of previous results, lectures, site visits [2] Selection of sites, connection with the network, pathway concept [3] Design of spatial concepts of selected sites (scale between 1:200/1:5) [4] Individual working mock-ups and visualization in drawings and graphical representationsWEEK 1
We 19.04.201709:30: Studio table set up - room 2.30 (Key: Mrs. Mittmann, Mrs. Schmidt) 11.30: Introduction Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger; Tracing as strategy of narration & knowledge genesis 13:00: Welcome and Intro to the Bauhaus: Lilo Viehweg 14:00 Round Table with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger 16:00-17:00: Exhibition Tour “Crafts becomes modern. The Bauhaus in the making”. Curator Dr. Regina Bittner, Dr. Katja Szymczak 17:00-xx: Studio Work
Thu 20.04.2017
09:30-12.00: ArchitecTour Bauhaus, Meisterhäuser: Site Visit of modern built heritage of Dessau with Expert Guide (Coordinator Visitors: Mrs. Prag) 13:00-16:00: Coordination of Concepts, Dr. Claudia Perren (14:00) & Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger 16:30-xx: Studio Work
Fri 21.04.2017
Morning: Studio work. Individual work on concepts of mapping 14:30: ArchitecTour II: Pathways & Törten, on-site exploration of mapping (evtl. with bicycles)
Sat 22.04.2017
14:00-18:00: Berlin ArchitecTour about public exhibitions, with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger (Meeting Pfefferberg, Architecture Gallery Aedes)
Mo 24.04.20179:00-11:30: Studio work 11:30: Lecture: Dr. Werner Möller, AG Bauhaus Bauten, Bauhaus Stadt 13:30-xx: Feedback with Dr. Werner Möller and Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger
Tue 25.04.2017
9:00: Studio work 10:00-11:00 Feedback with Dr. Claudia Perren 13:00-xx: Studio work
Wed 26.04.2017
9:00: Studio work. 10:30-11:00: Introduction of the library with Mrs. Kolleck 15:15: Feedback with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger and Lilo Viehweg
Thu 27.04.2017
9:00: Studio work 13:30: Feedback with Prof. Rainer W. Ernst (to confirm) & Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger xx: Bauhaus foundation, Archive, Dr. Ziegler; meetings on request only
Fri 28.04.2017
09:30-12:30 Feedback with Dr. Claudia Perren 13:00-xx: Studio work
Sat 29.04.2017
14:00-18:00: Berlin ArchitecTour and visit of important architecture exhibitions, with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger (Meeting Martin Gropius Bau, Berlin)
Tue 02.05.20179:00: Studio work. 13:30: Feedback with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger and Dr. Regina Bittner
Wed 03.05.2017
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites 14:15: Feedback with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger
Thu 04.05.2017
09:00: Studio work and preparation of final exhibition.
16:30-20:00: Final Presentation
Students & Dr. Claudia Perren, Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger, with Bauhaus foundation experts and international guest lecturers Prof. Dr. Katrin Paadam (Tallinn), Prof. Pentti Karoja (Helsinki). Room: Will be announced.
Literature available at Bauhaus (Library from 10:00 to 15:00)
[Programme: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dagmar Jäger, 13. April 2017]
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„Spatial Strategies“: “Perceiving Moving – Pioneers of the Modern: Re-Imported”
at Bauhaus Dessau Studios, in the frame of “Open Studios” & International Master’s Programme of European ArchitectureCooperation of Bauhaus Foundation, Berlin University of the Arts / HZT, Tallinn University of Technology
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>>>Bauhaus Dessau – Open Studio Tallinn Spatial Strategies |
Professor’s Team:
- Dr. Claudia Perren, Architect, Researcher (Director, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation)
- Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger, Architect, Researcher (TTÜ, Programme Director of European Architecture)
- Prof. Rhys Martin, Choreographer (Berlin University of the Arts –HZT, Programme Director of Solo Dance)
Guest lecturers:
- Esa Laaksonen, Architect, Alvar Aalto Academy, Director of Foundation, Reiseuni_lab
- Dr. Werner Möller, Architect, Research Associate, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
- Torsten Blume, Bauhaus Stage, Research Associate, Bauhaus Dessau Foundation
- Prof. Brigitte Hartwig, Design Department, Anhalt University of Applied Arts
- Prof. em. Rainer W. Ernst, Architect, Author, Urban Planner; Berlin, Reiseuni_lab
- Dr. Marvin Altner, Curator & Art historian, Kassel University, Berlin
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Bauhaus Dessau | Haifa, Collage: Christian Pieper, jp3 |
Topic of the Workshop
The workshop “Spatial Strategies” aims to investigate selected artistic, urban and architectural topics with a local, but superordinate European relevance like transformation of modern heritage or industrial sites out of function, qualifying of urban waterfronts and inner-urban borders, peripheries and infrastructures. (DJ, General Workshop Outlines)“Traditionally, movement means change, emergence and progress. 2016, the annual programme of the Bauhaus foundation focus on the phenomenon “Movement at Bauhaus”, starting from the historical position towards the contemporary and future relevance.” (Dr. Claudia Perren, Bauhaus Programm 2016).
The international, postgraduate students of the Reiseuni_lab arrive from Israel to Dessau to investigate spatial, urban concepts of “Vision (perceiving, learning) in Motion” during two weeks.
The workshop aim is the conceptualization of an “urban & spatial network of interventions for knowledge transfer” with 3 main gaols: First, to trace the historical biographies of the existing representations and related sites of the Bauhaus period until 1933 in a contextual typology of a “public realm exhibition”; second, to connect the historical ‘network’ with the new buildings and artistic projects related to the Bauhaus like the Museum 2019, and third, to relate the pioneer buildings of the historical period with the international impact of the modern movement, spatial positions and reform concepts in architecture and workshop experiment.
Individual investigations and perceptions create the basis for development of a network proposal as a team during the first week. The investigation of six selected sites within the spatial network leads to heterogeneous and trans medial proposals of knowledge transfer in the public realm – an exhibition pathway as a public space choreography, with multiple interventions. The results will be presented and finally discussed with local stakeholders of the city & the foundation.
Key Context
Bauhaus Period of Weimar/Dessau 1919-33, biography of sites and buildingsGenius Loci: Town, movement, building contexts
Important architects and international reference projects related to the Bauhaus period
Hermeneutic Strategies: Tracing as concept of urban knowledge transfer
“Spatial Strategies” – four-stage-process
[1] Creative analysis, lectures, site visits & case studies (Individual work)[2] Collage-Relief including story board; strategy: Mapping, sketches, tracing, photographs
[3] “Workshop in the workshop” - spatial qualities of 6 selected sites, with Rhys Martin
[4] 3D Concepts for six sites. Resulting in individual working mock-ups
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2016-04-17 Berlin Wall Memorial, Photo: jp3 |
14:00-17:00: Berlin ArchitecTour with Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger + Prof. Rhys Martin (Meeting Pfefferberg, Architecture Gallery Aedes)
Mo 18.04.2016
10:00: Welcome and Intro to the Bauhaus: Dr. Claudia Perren (CP)
10:30: Input Lecture: Dr. Werner Möller, Bauhaus buildings in Dessau and architectural similarities in Tel Aviv and Rotterdam
12.15: Introduction Workshop “Perceiving-Moving: Pioneers re-imported”: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger (DJ)
14:30: Input Lecture: Prof. Brigitte Hartwig, Movements and interventions in the city of Dessau
16:00: ArchitecTour I (Bauhaus, Meisterhäuser, Kornhaus): Site Visit of modern built heritage of Dessau with DJ, CP, Expert Guide Frank Tinius
Tu 19.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Concept of Mapping
14:30: ArchitecTour II (Dessau Süd): Site Visit (with bicycles) of modern built heritage of Dessau with DJ and N.N.
18:00: Input Lecture: Torsten Blume, Bauhaus Stage and Experiments in movement
We 20.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Concept of Mapping
11:00: Prof. Brigitte Hartwig invites all students to the Event: Vor Ort Bewegt sich was
14:30: Guest Input Lecture: Dr. Phil. Marvin Altner, Kurator Berlin, Kassel
16:00: Feed back studio with Marvin Altner + DJ
Thu 21.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Mapping Work Out
14:30: Lecture of Prof. Dr. Dagmar Jäger: Tracing as strategy of narration & knowledge genesis
16:00: Feed back studio with Dr. Werner Möller (to confirm) + DJ
Fri 22.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Mapping Work Out
17:00: Presentation of ‘Mapping’ with CP + DJ + N.N.
Sat 23.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Selection of 6 specific sites
14:15: Intervention with Prof. Rhys Martin: “Six spaces of the narration”
Sun 24.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Spatial perception/qualities of specific sites
14:15: Intervention with Prof. Rhys Martin: “Six spaces of the narration”
17:00 Inbetween-Presentation of Results with all Professors and Guests
Mo 25.04.20169:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites
14:30: ArchitecTour III: “Brain storming tour” with bicycles along the pathway with CP + DJ + N.N.
17:00: Concluding Studio Work with the Professors
Tue 26.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites (individual work)
Wed 27.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Spatial concept of specific sites
15:00: Guest Input Lecture: Prof. Rainer W. Ernst: Spatial Strategies
16:30: Feed back studio with Rainer W. Ernst + DJ, CP
Thu 28.04.2016
9:00: Studio work. Work out of concept of specific sites (individual work)
16:00: Feed back studio work with Esa Laaksonen + DJ
Fri 29.04.2016
10.30-13:30: Final Presentation
All Participants discuss the results with the professors (CP + DJ + RM), the Bauhaus guest Lecturers & Esa Laaksonen, and expert guests of Dessau & abroad; place and exhibition: Will be announced.
Literature available at Bauhaus (Library from 10:00 to 15:00)
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Class-02: Workshop 5 - at Kiel [KEL] 07.06.2012 - 19.07.2012
at Muthesius Kunsthochschule KielProgramme:
‚Beschriebene Räume‘
"Described Spaces"
In literature, there is an infinite number of examples of descriptions of rooms, locations, places, in short descriptions of "space". They are seldom described analytically, but almost always atmospherically.
For example, the texts of a story contain concrete statements about the house, the loft or attic room, the stairs, the windows, the beams etc., which produce conceptional images. By translating or transferring such textual descriptions into architecture, into “space”, primarily no aesthetic context is followed. Means are sought in order to create spatial effect; patterns are combined; an event structure is developed via which a verification of the story may be expected.
Assignment of Tasks
1st Task
In a fictional or lyrical work, find a text passage in which spatial situations/ rooms are described.
Analyse the text as follows:
Is the description written in such a way as to perceive a space/room in its entirety? Are only parts of the space/room described? Does the description allow conclusions to be drawn about the whole space/room (size, proportion, atmosphere)? Is the space/room geometrically defined (length, width, height) or is a tension or atmosphere created? In which situation does the protagonist find him-/herself? Is the characterisation of the protagonist’s situation supported by the spatial description? (Is e.g. the fear of the protagonist supported by spatial situations which create fear?)
2nd Task
Present the essence of your analysis as a drawing or sketch (draw only that which the text can express - even if the sketch must remain fragmented). Interpret your translation of the text passage in a few words.
3rd Task
Now sketch the room/spatial representation which was formed in your imagination while reading the text. In a few words, try to name the associations and/or your intentions . See yourself as a stage designer or scenographer/set designer in a film team which design scenes. This concerns the correlation/relationship between an idea and its translation to a spatial situation. The text passage you have chosen is virtually the assignment for the design of the space/room.
The Objective
4th Task
Create and design this space/room. The following forms of interpretation are available:
- model scale 1:1
- installation uses elements of the space of the Lessing-bath
- walk-in stage
- diorama
- perspective-box#
- movie
Distributed: 11 June 2012
Deadline: 13. July 2012
Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel
Prof. Michael Breda (Vice-President)
Prof. Dr. Ludwig Fromm
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Class-01: 02.01.-12.02.2012 Workshop 8 at Berlin [BER]
at Berlin University of the Arts (UdK Berlin)Workshop and project announcement
m3 - Architecture meets Sound, Body & Moving Image
Project leaders
Prof. Rhys Martin (Choreography & Dance)
Prof. Daniel Ott (Music & Composition)
Prof. Anna Anders (Moving Image)
WM Stephanie Schwarz (Dramatics, Coordination)
Project description
Students from the Berlin University of the Arts and from the international postgraduate study program Architektur.Studium.Generale (ASG) based at the Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität Cottbus will engage in an exploratory investigation of the relationship between body, sound, moving image and space. Through artistic demographic research urban interventions will be developed in the Berlin district Wedding.
In January 2 till 6, 2012, the program commences with a weeklong tuning workshop. Participants will be daily divided into alternating teams through which they will be invited to respond to tasks and exercises drawn from dance, sound and moving image in order to investigate innovative transdisciplinary approaches to notions of architectural space.
The workshop takes place in the context of the UDK transdisciplinary project week Kollisionen under the direction of the department of Design. Results of all workshops will be shown in a university based open presentation on Friday January 6, 2012.
The m3 project will continue until February with production teams identified in the workshop and who will conceive, develop and implement a joint collaborative project over the following month.
During this phase, individual teams will be allotted to each of the three project leaders, who, in weekly meetings, will discuss and offer advice on questions of content and project development.
Individual mentoring will be possible on request. Participants will be able consult up to two of the project leaders.
Completed projects will be presented discussed and evaluated in the sixth calendar week.
Starting point:
January 2nd, 2012 11am. at Uferstudio 14, Uferstraße 23, 13357 Berlin
(U8 Pankstraße / U9 Nauener Platz / S-Bahn Gesundbrunnen)
Please bring with you comfortable clothes and warm socks or trainers!
Student accommodation
at Studentendorf Schlachtensee/Berlin by Fehling + Gogel