2012-01-02 | ASG WS8 at Berlin [C1]

ASG Class-01 WS8 'm3  - Architecture meets Sound, Body & Moving Image' starts at Berlin >>>>>Programme

EAD | ASG 2012-01-06_WS8_Berlin_First-day-Impression_Photo-Sebastian-Seyfarth_Class-01

Kollision | Week One – Students from A.S.G meet the UdK Berlin (Berlin University of the Arts). An annual Event called ‘Kollision’ as the kick-off of WS 8 in Berlin, the last one of Class 01. A huge come together of all disziplines of UdK in 14 different workshops takes place during the first week of January every year. Choreography, Sound and Video Art in the Workshop m3 by Video Artist Anna Anders, Composer Daniel Ott and Choreographer Rhys Martin.