2012-07-19 | EAD#3 at Kiel
EAD#3 Kiel 2012 | Reflection 1
Five universities from Germany, Estland, France and Portugal debate the research results of the international master programme Architektur.Studium.Generale.
The Master’s Programme
is a unique and innovative approach to international architectural education. It combines the idea of the classic educational journey abroad with the intensive, interdisciplinary and project-oriented workshop tradition. The training is structured around a series of eight project workshops on topics that reflect architectural knowledge across greater Europe.
Design Reflection
The programme is framed by three design theoretical, empirical-reflexive elements. The design methods seminar at the start of the 2 year programme as well as the interim reflection 1 and 2 serve to catalogue design strategies and positions in order to develop an empirical self-reflected knowhow upon the rich context of the intercultural discourse.
After having set up the platform of the European Architecture Dialogue [EAD] in november 2010 at the Brandenburgische Techical University in Cottbus, and having reflected on the first class’s interim results in Innsbruck in the summer 2011, the network Reiseuni_Lab will meet again to discuss the workshop results of the second rotation 2011-2013 after one year.
The Colloquium is an integral part of the programme and research dialogue between the universities, professors and the students. The presentation of the results in 2012 form the focus of the key topics to be examined in more depth as superordinate issues for the research oriented Master’s Thesis in 2013.
Thursday 19th of July 2012
1.00 - 6.00 pm
Final Presentation
Workshop „Spatial Strategies“
7-10 pm
Opening of the Exhibition
Reflection 1
Friday 20th of July 2012
10 am - 1.30 pm
Professor’s Lectures
2.30 - 6.30 pm
Students’ Lectures
7 - 8.30 pm
Professor’s Round Table
EAD#3 | ASG Reflection-1 Exhibition Opening:
7-10 pmBetween November 2011 and July 2012, the first five of eight workshops took place in Cottbus, Marseille, Lisbon, Innsbruck and Kiel. The selected documentation represents the wide range of tasks to be developed in the European network as well as some results of the empirically-oriented design analysis at the beginning of the class 2 in October 2011.
Rainer W. Ernst, President of Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Workshop Results Kiel
Ludwig Fromm, Spatial Strategies
Exhibition EAD
Dagmar Jäger, Director of A.S.G.
Students of Class 2 present their results of the first year
not LOST IN LESSINGBAD | EAD Kiel 2012 (HD) |
2012-07-19_Reflection-1_EAD-Kiel Posters_Exhibition_Class-02 |